Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Hump Day ~

One week of the new year is already behind us.  Time sure is a flyin'.
The house is getting back to "normal" but not as quickly as I would like.  Most everything but the trees have been hauled to the attic.  I still have to fill my cupboard with the featheredge that has been stored away for the holidays.  (If you are not familiar with featheredge, you can read about it here.)

Here's the progress on my Maggie rug.  I'm still undecided about the leaves.  One minute I love them and the next I am not too sure.  I will leave them for now and see how I feel after I've hooked some background. 
I hope everyone is staying warm.  We are currently at 5 degrees heading to 1.  I don't think I was meant to live in Ohio :)
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Happy New Year! Got my 1st beginner kit yesterday and gonna try on my next 3 day weekend!

  2. Oh how I love how your rug is coming along! I am still waiting for my linen I hope today is the day it is delivered.
    we are at -11 right now and I always loved new England but the winter thing is getting a little old.
    we are warm the wood stove is so nice it's when I have to go out to work that is the issue.

  3. It's looking beautiful Lauren! Enjoy Your hooking & keep warm! ~ My Best, Kimberly

  4. Your rug hooking is glorious !
    Can't seem to get warm here in PA !

  5. You've made great headway and I love how it is turning out. Glad the hook got used. Cold here in Delaware too. Going thru propane for my furnace rather fast too.

  6. Hi Lauren, love the rug, very pretty. Keep Cozy, Francine.

  7. Loved reading about the Featherware...and seeing your nice collection. Great progress on your rug...what color is your background? Don't rip the leaves till you have some background they will look perfect.

  8. I love those colors. Your rug is advancing quite nicely. It's bitter cold and the kind of cold that take my breath away when I step out. It's -24 °C or -11.2°F. here.

    I found twin calves in a pen this morning. Talk about a busy morning. We're not sure that they belong to the same cow as the cow in the next pen looks like she calved but has no calf in her pen. Such a mystery on a bitter cold morning.

    Take care, I'd gladly trade space with you, hahaha.

  9. I enjoyed reading and learning about Featherware. It is very pretty. Your rug so far is lovely.

  10. Your Maggie rug is looking great, Lauren! I love this pattern and have it in my "rugs to do" list (which is waaaay too long!). We are in the deep freeze along with you there in Ohio...I am ready for Spring now...RIGHT NOW!

    Hugs, Linda

  11. I always enjoy your work. I like those leaves. It is a very nice rug to work on in the winter.
    I get so much more hooking done when it is cold. :)
    Have a lovely day.

  12. That's a fun one Lauren! Taking down Christmas was a cinch for me this year because I only put up one tree and nothing else - was kinda ginchy I guess.....

  13. Your rug is gorgeous! Love the colors. The leaves look great to me. We were down to 3 or 4 this morning with wind chills to boot. I hate this weather. lol!

  14. Beautiful start.
    What a great project to keep warm.
    Woolie Hugs

  15. Your leaves are looking fabulous (as is all of it)!... the background will bring it all together.

  16. Great Maggie pattern and color choices! Hope you are staying warm!


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