Thursday, January 15, 2015

Another Detour ~ or Two

Since Valentine's Day is only a month away (wasn't it just Christmas?), I thought I would start sharing vintage postcards.  I wish I could say they were from my collection, but they are not.  Ten years ago or so, I bought a DVD on eBay that has hundreds of holiday postcards.  Now you know my little "secret" (though I think I've shared it before).
It's been a week since I showed the progress on my Maggie rug, so here it is.  Not much has been hooked but I did hook that little bluebird mat I showed in the previous post.  I failed to mention that all the bird mats hooked by guild members will be door prizes at the hook in. 
I did get my heart rug on linen, so my Maggie rug will once again be put aside.  If you somehow missed it, it is a pattern by the very talented Cathy over at Orange Sink.  This should hook up quickly and I'm hoping to use mostly worms.

I also need to get busy finishing these hearts.  It takes me longer to finish them than it does to hook them.

Saturday and Sunday it is supposed to be above freezing.  It will feel like a heat wave.  There will probably be some crazies out there with shorts on.  (This coming from the girl who uses her electric blanket until at least May.)
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I love your vintage cards!! They just don't make cards like that anymore!! We are never short on projects to work on, we never get bored that way!! Enjoy your warmer weather!!

  2. It's warming up here as well. I love those vintage postcards too. I love Cathy's rug pattern too,

    I haven't pulled too many hoops either.


  3. I love that Maggie B rug! I have mine in front of my crock bench in the living room. It's an easy one to hook and full of character! Your hearts look lovely...have fun!!

  4. I KNOW what you mean about the little hearts!!! I have 8 of them hooked that now need to be steamed,hand sewn & stuffed!!!

  5. Morning Lauren
    Such pretty 'heart' treasures.
    I've seen lots of versions of the 1803 rug - they are all unique seeing the different ones.
    The Maggie pattern is working up great.

  6. It has warmed up here but it snowed again! Ugh. I need things to fill a big bowl on my dining room table so I might hook a few hearts (but I hate the finishing part too)

  7. I love seeing your latest projects, and yes, I do think finishing always takes longer than hooking. I hope you do have a warm up and that you have a lovely weekend. I am so glad it is Friday.

  8. Love the progress on your Maggie B design. I have a huge wool applique quilt pattern by her and will check to see if that is one of the motifs on it. Would love to hook it one day myself but it is further down on the list.

    I have seen some of those crazies shopping at walmart. I have on a winter coat and they are in short sleeves and shorts ~ get cold just looking at them. Enjoy your weekend.

  9. Love your projects ... enjoy your weekend!

  10. I love how it is coming along on the Maggie B rug. We have experienced two days in the upper 30's...feels like a tropical heatwave. Enjoy the warmer weather.

  11. Loving the Maggie rug and hearts, so pretty.Blessings Francine.

  12. Pretty! You're making me want to tear some wool and get hookin'!

  13. I have not transferred the Maggie pattern yet. I have been reading and I can not put the book down.
    tomorrow I hope to transfer the pattern. We are in some for crappy weather it will be warmer but rain the ground is so cold we haven't been above freezing in 2 weeks. It will freeze on contact.
    stay warm


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