Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Hooking Room ~

The hooking room is finally organized, at the expense of a couple closets and cupboards.  When I wasn't sure what to do with something, it ended up in a closet or cupboard . . . sigh.
Reds, blues and greens.  The basket on the bottom right has wools I've chosen for a Maggie Bonanomi rug I want to hook and on the left on the top of the basket is my collection of bright wools :) 

Pie safe that has probably not seen its doors in decades.  The stacks are a little wonky because of differing sizes and shapes of wool I was folding.  

I love the top of the pie safe.  A few purchased items and many gifts from friends.  (Thank you Karin, Melinda, Bobbie, Cathy, Cynthia and Marly.)

Another pie safe purchased from a friend a couple years ago.  The ladies sewing pocket on the left is from the very talented Melinda of Merry Wind Farm and the pug quilt on the right is a gift from sweet Gayle, the Middle Sister.

Inside it is VERY GREEN.

Another antique cupboard filled with books and "stuff".

My corner cupboard (not sure what that phantom spot is on the right door) that desperately needs some attention.  It is to the point that when the upper doors are opened, "stuff" starts to fall out.

I've been collecting picnic baskets with the intention of hooking small mats for the top and giving as gifts.  I probably have 8 - 10 baskets and have yet to hook a rug for one of them.  These
are currently full of wooly worms.

I did decide to bring the little stand in I purchased at Gathered Treasures last weekend to hold books and magazines.

Under the table (that holds my cutter) is a basket of unwashed wool.

My problem child :)  The laundry basket is full of bits and pieces of wool.  I really need to sort by color and somehow organize them.

Yes, all this is in my not so big hooking room.  Plus I have a couch and an old tool chest that I use for a coffee table/catch all.  Hopefully I can do a little better job in keeping my wool/wool room organized, but as we all know, it's not an easy task.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Oh Lauren, it is so pretty and so nicely organized. I would love to be in that room. There is so many wonderful things to look at. Your wool is just lovely. So are all of the wonderful cupboards. Good job!

  2. Lauren, please come to my house and do that magic in my hooking room!

  3. The baskets, the cupboards, the wool, what a room!

  4. Looks great, wish I had your collection of wool!!! WOW, it is awesome!!!!

  5. Great job! I am trying to straighten out my room. Going through my wool bins, smaller pieces mainly used for wool applique, now how does purple get in the brown box? I have a bookcase that I use for my yardage wool. Then there is the dresser full of fabric, I quilt also. Creativity is messy. I can deal with that.

  6. Love the cupboards and the way everything is nice and neat, as well as a warm, prim feeling.


  7. Lauren
    Give yourself an A+ for such a fantastic job! You have a wonderful wool stash and it deserves to be displayed and organized! Have fun creating and be sure to take time to just sit and admire all your hard work!!
    Cathy G

  8. It sure looks big to me, Lauren! You have got a beautiful collection of cupboards!! Love the way your wool is did a great job!! Now you can sit back and hook and marvel in all the beautiful, rich, yummy wools!

  9. Wow! So beautiful and organized! An inspiration for my condemned mess :)
    Blessings, Patti

    Now that is my idea of woolie heaven!
    Love your cool cubbards too.
    Warm Woolie Hugs

  11. Wow Lauren your wool looks so nice in those cupboards! It does make color planning much easier!

  12. Lauren it looks great! my wool room/spare bedroom you have to pick your way through right now because there is not much floor space.

  13. so when are we all coming over to hook in your wool room? everything looks grand to me my friend ~ I especially LOVE your over-loaded laundry baskets ~ THAT is a perfect idea for overflow of scraps! GREAT JOB ~ now go enjoy it some :)

  14. I love all those cupboards full of wool! It looks great and with the couch it has to be a warm and cozy room to work in!

  15. I'm impressed! My whole room looks like your laundry basket!
    Have a great weekend!

  16. Wow!!! Lauren, looks amazing. Such beautiful cupboards and I love that table with the magazines.Great job, Blessings Francine.

  17. Your hooking room is a hookers paradise. So much wool to choose from and you're still buying. I know, I know, a hooker can't have too much wool....

    My hooking room keeps getting messy in no time and I have very little wool as compared to you.
    I love that big laundry basket full of odds and ends.

    Now that your room is all organized I hope you can take time to do what Orange Sink is suggesting.
    Thanks for letting us see your stash.

  18. I wish I had such an awesome and organized wool stash. It looks amazing.

  19. I saved this post for a time when I knew I would be able to drool at leisure. I'm so glad I did! LOVE your hooking room! Just lovely!!!

  20. Lauren, your wool looks so neat and tidy and organized! I'm jealous...mine is currently a mess. I want a big STUDIO.

    LOVE all your treasures sitting on top of your cupboards!!


  21. Oh, how pretty, Lauren. I count five big cupboards, plus the cutter table, green plaid couch or chair, that must be a big room. So lovely, I just love all your antiques. My sewing room is so tiny that it would barely fit a twin bed. Wish I could take the wall down between the two small rooms, it is not original. What Maggie Bonanomi rug are you planning on hooking? I also love your stag rug. I did manage to get the pattern enlarged, but that is as far as I have gotten. 9.5, is that half inch strips? Do you have a blade or do you hand cut them? Oh, and also love the little stand you purchased. Today was a lot of Christmas open houses in Tipp, and I didn't go to any of them :) It is just so crowded, I would rather wait until next week when the crowds are gone. Did you hear about the coming Polar Express next week? Brrr.... I have to get the barn all winterized. Sorry for such a long comment, I just had a lot I wanted to tell you :) Hugs, Melinda

  22. Lookin great! Always feels good to get things organized!

  23. Great stash, beautiful cupboards.....good for you!! Enjoy. If you are like me it will last till you plan your next rug!!


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