Sunday, November 9, 2014

Amazing Progress ~


I've made amazing progress on my stag rug.  I've spent far more time hooking this weekend than I normally do, but this rug is also an easy hook ~ no detail and the majority of it being hooked in a 9.5.  Hopefully I can continue this pace and be done in a few days.  I need to start thinking about Christmas gifts.  I always start too late, get stressed, and don't finish what I had hoped to.  This year will probably be no different :)
I am having a really hard time believing it's already the second week of November.  These days and weekends keep going faster and faster.  I find it scary.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. My mother always told me that the older you get the faster the time went. I love your rug it looks great.

  2. It looks great. You've got a lot done. My last rug was hooked with an 8.5 (aren't you proud of me). Lol

  3. I really love the wool shades and variations in your rug, beautifully done. I think time is going by, way too fast, I need more time as it is;)


  4. Evening Lauren, love the rug, the wool shades are beautiful.blessings Francine.

  5. sounds like a perfect, relaxing, stay-at-home weekend. beautiful shading on your stag. have a great week to come...

  6. Love your stag. Need to do one for DGD. Good look with the Christmas gifts. I am always behind.

  7. Lucky you! Your rug is beautiful , hugs cheri

  8. Great progress! Lucky you spending the weekend hooking! I was out Christmas shopping and so was everybody else! What a mess! Can't wait to see this dear deer finished. Have a great week!

  9. I love the rug you are working on!! If I were left to my own devices I'd have an entire home filled with deer rugs!!

  10. Lauren, your stag is looking great. No wonder it hooked up fast, lol. 9.5 is very wide to me, lol.
    I wonder why the time goes so fast the older we get. It doesn't seem fair does it. I can't get in the Christmas Spirit with all the baby calves coming. I got another one yesterday.
    Have a slower week.

  11. I know what you mean, I thought it would slow down not working but it goes faster!!!!! Yikes
    Love that rug Lauren!!!!

  12. Great looking rug. Excited about my progress at retreat this weekend. Hope to pull more loops today!

  13. I find it pretty scary that November is just flying by too. I love that stag rug. It looks awesome.
    I hope you have a wonderful week.

  14. That really is amazing! Love it.

  15. I bought myself a new rug kit... so hoping this winter I will master the art of hooking! Love yours! OLM


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