Sunday, November 16, 2014

So Close ~

Yesterday I headed to with Sherry to peruse the goods at From Our Hands.  It was a very high end show, showcasing many talented folks.  There were also some wonderful antiques to admire and drool over.  By the time we arrived, the crowd had lessened.  Earlier I understand it was wall to wall people.

Artwork and booth of Lori Brechlin

My only purchases were a couple patterns from Not Forgotten Farm and this wall box.  Not real early, but most likely 1910-1920 vintage.  I wasn't sure where I would hang it, but think I found the perfect spot in the living room. 

Last evening I was so close to finishing my stag rug.  This close. 
I was at DSO's and ran out of dark worms.  I thought I had cut way too many, but I always use more than I think I would.  In person, you don't see this much of a difference in the dark wools.  They are just, well, dark.  I think I used five different dark wools ~ a black check, my favorite reversible black, a couple plaids that had red and navy in them dyed very dark and a solid black/red.  I'll share the finished rug soon.
Thanks so much for stopping by.  Off to Five Guys soon.  My favorite place to eat.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lucky you to experience all those great GOODS and buy. By not getting there when it was wall to wall saved you a few bucks I'd think.

    Looking forward to your Stag finish and find out what patterns you purchased from Lori.


  2. wow that place looks amazing! I love your purchase. It is so frustrating to get to the end it seems as if the rug just eats the wool at the end. looking forward to seeing it.

  3. Lauren, I love that wall box. You're so knowledgable with antiques. A neat piece to display some of your vintage treasures.

    Wow, too bad you ran out of worms. It wouldn't have taken you very long to finish it.
    Enjoy your meal out.

  4. I am so glad you posted some pictures. I wanted to go to that show so bad, but you know the weather. :) and the plane trip. I love that box. That is awesome.
    I am so glad you got to go and I do that too, think I have enough wool with me right at the end. Have a wonderful dinner. I can't wait to see your stag.

  5. Looks like a great show and fun just to see all the wonderful prim creations. I like seeing the close up of your wool colors, beautiful shades in the background.


  6. Looks like it was a great show Lauren..every years I intend to go, but it seems Like I end up doing something's a little far for me. I love your wall box!

  7. The shading looks great. And still beyond my pay grade. Thanks so much for sharing some of the show. That box. Oh my that box. I would have fought you for it. I recently discovered Rebekah's work and would have loved to see it in person.

  8. I was at that show also and it was so crowded it was a nightmare.. Why would such a talented group of artist pick a place so small to have a show they knew people from all over would come to see. The firemen of my town would have shut it down. Happy your experience was better than mine. DO like your wall box.. SANDI.

  9. Ooh I would go crazy at a show like that! Cute little wall box. Now you need to put something in it (more shopping)

  10. Evening Lauren, such a great place, wow!!! Adorable wall box. Love Five Guys too,yummy.Blessings Francine.

  11. Hi, Lauren, I love your collection of darks on the stag rug. The little wall box is wonderful, too. Who is the exhibitor in the last picture with samplers and rugs?

  12. Oh I love Five Guys! lolol! Darn - now you've made me hungry for a burger.

    Love your purchase -- that is a nice find! I've always wanted to go to that show, but needless to say it's too far away for me to go. Lucky you for going!

    Love your rug! Hope you can finish it off!

  13. Lucky girls getting to the show! Great snag on the wall box, gotta get'em when ya see 'rm, they usually find a spot once they get home. Have a great week to come:)

  14. Looks like it was a great show! Love the booth with the samplers and hookings.
    You are so close on your stag rug Lauren! Good for you!!! Love your finds and glad you and Sherry could attend together. Hugs, Lori

  15. Great pictures !
    Lucky you, to have had the chance to go. Looks like there was no shortage of talent.

  16. I'm jealous you got to go to this wonderful event. I have a little tiny pincushion of LoriAnn's - wonderful creations she does. Who doesn't love a NFF canvas - I have several in my collection and I am coveting one of her "turkey/t-giving designs. I don't have a rug for that holiday season. Which did you get? Love your wall cabinet - so cool ! Hope you have a great week! Mel

  17. Would like to live closer so I could go to that show but I figured it would be very crowded. I like to take my time and shop. I don't like being in a small crowded space and not be able to look. Looking forward to seeing your finished rug! Like the wall box!

  18. If you ran out of worms at your DSO's house, why didn't you have him run to your house and get some more? I'm sure he would have.


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