Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Another Hump Day ~

Are you like me and wondering how it can possibly be Thanksgiving next week?  I'm still wondering what happened to summer.  I guess I need to be thankful for the little things ~ actually this is a biggie ~ that I don't live in Buffalo.  I cannot even begin to imagine that much snow ~ nor do I want to.  Here it is only November and I'm already whining about winter.  The cold snuck up on me.  Here's my little fountain.  Hopefully it will thaw this weekend and can get put away for the winter.

Here's my stag finish.  (As always, much better color in person.)  I do like the way it came out.  Right now it's sitting in my ever growing pile of rugs needing bound.  Hopefully I can find/make the time to get it done before the holidays.  I think it will be perfect in front of the antique corner cupboard in the living room.  (If you haven't seen the pattern before, you can find it here on Lori's sidebar.)

Now, I have to say I don't have an original bone in my body.  This was stolen graciously borrowed from hooker extraordinaire Carole.  I wish I had taken pictures of her finishes, but sadly did not.  This is a burlap fabric with gold metallic threads running through.  Carole hooked Santas and I think a gingerbread man and did not hook any background.  Just a little hooking "glitz" for the holiday.  The fabric can be found at Michaels near where you find cross stitch supplies.  The best part in case you don't like hooking on it?  Less than $4 if you have a 50% off coupon.  Hopefully I'll try hooking something in the next few days.  I am about half done with a little mat but can't share because it is a Christmas gift. 

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Love the finish! Hope that fountain thaws ok. I hate this cold. Brrrr.....

  2. The rug came out beautifully and such a nice piece for the holidays. It is way to cold out, too early for me;)


  3. congrats on a a very studly stag lauren. i so enjoyed watching this come together for you, and so quickly too, your talents amaze me...

  4. The stag will look great at Christmas! Too cold too early. Just glad I don't live in Buffalo!

  5. Wow that is a lot of ice hanging on that fountain!
    I feel sorry for Buffalo residents.

  6. Great job on the stag. I have some rugs that need whipping and binding and like most hookers, they are at the mercy of my procrastination.

    I hope your fountain is not cracked or damaged by the ice.
    Stay warm and safe.

  7. The cold snuck up on me, too. Trying not to complain, but it is cooold.
    Thanks for the tip on the burlap. the Stag looks great !

  8. Go directly from summer to winter! Fall has not happened this year. One day there are green leaves on the trees and the next day the leaves are on the ground. We had very little color to enjoy.
    Yepper, glad I don't live in Buffalo either!
    Hope you get a thaw so you can put away your fountain.

  9. Great stag rug, Lauren! Those poor folks in Buffalo...I can't even get my head around that amount of snow! Stay warm!

  10. Morning, love the rug, beautiful work.Blessings Francine.

  11. The stag looks great....the fountain not so much. Lol The whole Buffalo thing is horrifying.

  12. I'm with you on the WOW - thanksgiving next week - seriously !!!!!! We had our first little taste of winter this week and I LOVE it ! however bear in mind that it didn't include any snow just an excuse to get out my hand knits and wear a different one every day ! LOVE your stag canvas - so cool ! hope your week is going well - Mel

  13. This time of year flies by until January comes and then it slows down big time. I love your rug! and I can't wait to see what you do with the burlap.

  14. Yes Old man winter just blew right in. We been so cold but just flurries. The reindeer turned out nice. Warm Blessings! Amy

  15. In the beginning when first teaching myself to hook I did hook on craft burlap. Since starting out with small projects (not for the floor) figured it was just fine to use burlap. Can't wait to see what you do with yours.

    The stag is stunning.


  16. I hate ice more than snow but that's a good looking ice sculpture!


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