Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Thank You for all your Kind Comments ~

Thank you so much for all your kind comments regarding my last post.  I didn't mean to insinuate that I was going to quit blogging, just was wondering if I was the only one who was noticing a change.  I think I have a lot of blah, blah, blah left in me . . . lol :)  I would have liked to personally respond to many of you, but I'm still having email issues.  Last night I spent another hour and forty five minutes on the phone.  UGH.  Hopefully with the advice I received I will be able to reload the program (well, actually have DSO do it) and finally have a resolution to my issues. 

Still nothing on the hooking frame, and since I am going on vacation next week, there probably won't be until after returning home.  I have been working on my first penny rug and even though my stitches aren't perfect and some of my pennies are just a bit wonky and off-center, I absolutely LOVE how it is coming out.  The best part is that once the pennies are sewn on, it is D-O-N-E :)  No binding to sew on.  Nothing left to do but enjoy.  I am going to take pennies to stitch on the plane (commercial, not DSO's).  I also purchased a couple cross stitch patterns from Tina Woltman, Early America, the 1815 Shoppe, so will probably get one of those ready to stitch, too.  You can find her patterns on her Picture Trail.  I'd go stir crazy if I didn't have something to work on.

So close

Debbie over at Woolen Sails often offers her patterns in give-aways and I was a recent lucky winner.  I chose her antique cat pattern.  What a generous soul.  Thank you so much, Debbie :)

Has anyone tried this?
I ate the whole thing - alone - in just a few days.  No willpower . . . sigh . . . but it was worth it.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. That is the second penny I have seen like that today, tempting me to make one. I have a drawer full of precuts, so maybe I can make some small ones and get a head start on gifts.


  2. Salty Caramel is my favorite BBW candle so of course I'll try the ice cream. Have a great vacation!

  3. Your penny rug is looking awesome! Enjoy your vacation!

  4. i love reading your blog.i may not always comment but i always read.love your penny rug!

  5. Your Penny Rug is beautiful, Lauren. The Charm of Penny Rugs is that they are not 'cookie cutter' like they were cut from a press, but rather show some personality ! ;)
    Have a safe and relaxing vacation !

  6. I love your penny rug I personally prefer things not perfect,:) I have been a bad blogger we have had company nonstop and when no company I have worked 52 hours ugh. But things will slow down and I will blog again. I will stick with blogging not a big facebook person I check it but that is about it.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi Lauren...what a great piece you won! It's just beautiful. I want to start making different shapes for my traditional penny rugs but I need a pattern for the layout - as long as I have been in the business ya think I can get the circles evenly spaced! Nope! lol

    Your last post....wonderful!
    I did a post a couple years back...Blogging vs Facebook and wow did I open a can of worms...had like 100 comments....most were for blogging.

    I am on FB but use it for finding out what my family is doing ( they don't know any other way of communicating I swear!! ).
    But....Blogging will be the way for me always when I want to tell you all something - FB I put blurbs or 'shares' on.
    I try not to share my creations because of 'stealing' - but I feel here on blogland we are most courteous to one another and respect each other...and it's so friendly and not back stabbing or cliques...like I see so much of on FB.
    I'm not putting FB down, but I prefer to communicate through HERE!

    Thanks for still being here too!

  9. I ordered a kit from Cee. I can't wait for it to get here. I feel so much better when I have something in my hands to work on.
    That looks like wonderful ice cream. Dangerous.
    Have a wonderful day. I bet you are counting the days until your vacation. I hope you get to go and do something fun.

  10. I haven't tried the salty caramel, and I don't think I better! ;-)

  11. Hi Lauren, like you, my blogger friends thought that I implied that blogging is a chore, well it isn't for me. It's just that I'm not able to do everything that need to be done and I feel guilty. It's just my personality.

    For me when followers leave me a comment, it's like a visit at my door that I can't ignore. It's like I can see them through the glass and I want to talk to them and see what's new with them.

    Anyway, your penny rug looks fantastic and that ice cream looks too good to share, lol.

    Enjoy your vacation and know that you deserve it.

  12. I love penny rugs for the same reason. Easy travel, no binding. Working on one right now using up some scraps that are hexi instead of circles.

  13. I LoVe your penny rug Lauren. Wonky circles works for me, more prim that way! Have a great vacation/

  14. I love your penny rug, the colors are perfect! And im glad you are here blogging!! Enjoy your day!!

  15. "Rugs and Pugs" has been included in our Sites To See #385. Be assured that we hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.


  16. Love the start of your rug!!! I am struggling with time for blogging and reading... My life is just so different from when I started...sigh... so much has changed... it's life...but still love blogging better then FB... FB is jsut quicker... sadly...OLM


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)