Sunday, August 3, 2014

Is Blogging Becoming Passe?

Welcome friends.  Thank you so much for stopping by.  Is it just me or is blogging falling by the wayside to Facebook?  I know it slows down in the summer, but my daily views and comments are WAY down.  Or is it just me . . . lol?  I have been getting on Facebook more often, but there is so much to scroll through that I know I miss tons of stuff, not to mention all the feeds (is that what they are called?) that I have no idea how or why I'm getting them.  I am still Facebook stupid.  Blogging just seems so much more personal to me.  Does anyone else feel that way?
Can you believe this is post #800 for me?  I know I can't.  My first post was on May 31, 2009.  You can read it here.  I knew this was coming but it still snuck up on me.  I'll have a give-away after I get back from vacation so stay tuned. 
I added a couple pieces of white ironstone to my small but growing collection.  This is a soap dish, complete with insert. 

I also got this covered dish.  The cup was another purchase.  I don't think it's flow blue, but not sure what it is.  It is heavily damaged, but for $.50 I couldn't pass it up.

Here are all the pieces I have collected so far.

I also got this great table runner made from an old coverlet.  The colors are different than any coverlet colors I have seen.

It looks great with a bowl of stone fruit, though I think I need to trade it out for a bigger bowl.  I LOVE stone fruit.  It's one of my favorite collections.  You can see more of it here.
Another weekend bites the dust.  How can it be August?  So many people are thinking fall and pumpkins.  NOT ME!!! 
Pug hugs :)


  1. Holidays, weekends, those are when traffic slows down tremendously. It used to bother me but then I got the hang of it. It's not you, LOL people just go out of the house more when the weather is better, or when its the holidays they're with their families. It will surge back up soon. Kids will be going back to school towards the end of August so.... :)

  2. Lauren, it seems like many of the people who used to blog are no longer with us. I don't have a Face book account and don't want one. Way too many (NON)friends! I'll stick to blogging.

    Love the ironstone and the coverlet runner!

  3. I love that coverlet table runner! Wow! As for blogging, I suppose it might be Facebook, but also things like Instagram. I know Instagram is so much easier for me than blogging. If it weren't for the fact that my blog is a record for me and that I do it every Monday on a schedule, I probably would have stopped blogging by now.

  4. I use Facebook but enjoy blogs so much more. They are personal and don't have all the crap Facebook has on it.
    I may not comment all the time but lots of us are still here and reading every post.
    Nice ironstone and coverlet!

  5. Margaret,
    I don't even know what Instagram is!!!
    Hugs :)

  6. I know I don't blog as much as I used to, maybe I'll do better this fall. I might not always leave a comment on the blogs I read but still reading and enjoying them. I like ironstone and have gained a few pieces too!

  7. P.S. I don't know what Instagram is either! :-)

  8. Wonderful pieces to add to your collection. I was collecting red glass but I get mostly pieces i can use or small animal figures and now I just have too many things so haven't been collecting. I like Facebook to keep up with family but I love blogs to keep up with what my friends are doing. There are so many posts on Facebook with links and shares that I do not care to see or read that it gets too much.


  9. My counts are way down too and I don't see as many new posts from others. Facebook -I registered and visited a few people once and got tons of "friend requests" from people I never heard of because they can actually go through your email contacts for matching. Very invasive. And too much distraction on the pages. Seems the way to go these days but.......not sure. That's a great table runner.

  10. I love your blog. I'm not on Facebook but I hear from other hookers that they see pictures of me and/or my rugs on Facebook. Kat

  11. For me blogging is a way to keep my photos and thoughts together...especially now with Mom...I much prefer reading blogs to Facebook...on FB I keep up with local goings on at animal shelters...

    No Instagram for me...

  12. Lauren, I agree and I'm guilty of facebooking more because it is easier! The last blog post I did on my phone wouldn't post and it was a fun and interesting post ~ in my opinion of course!! It's just irritating to spend all that time and then nothing! I like blogs better but FB is faster. I'm not an Instagrammer either! Don't need another social media to deal with! Love that blue cup!

  13. Morning
    Yes seems like everyone if on FB.
    I think its easier I guess but still enjoy Blogging.
    It has been a rough year for me and Fall is my happy place. SO I must confess to pumpkins..
    I love making woolie ones.
    Have a great week.
    I love the beautiful runner.
    Woolie Hugs

  14. Lauren...I prefer reading/writing blogs, for sure. Love your collections!

  15. Hi Lauren, I am trying to get back to blogging, much simpler, slower pace. I agree it is more personal. Facebook can become overwhelming. Love your great finds! .. blessings,

  16. Yep..I'm thinking of just closing my blog. I hardly have any comments, and quite frankly it's a waste of my time. I do enjoy reading other blogs, however. I love your coverlet!! Very nice!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Please keep blogging! I promise to comment more! I love your blog. I'm not on FB due to invasion of privacy issues

  19. Love that coverlet runner and the ironstone soap dish! We had a near perfect weather scenario this summer, so I'm not complaining... though I do look forward to fall's warm days and cool nights! I still prefer blogs over facebook. Blogging is more relaxed and personal... it seems facebook is getting to be one big obnoxious commercial? I've never had a facebook, nor ever will, but I do know some folks that have deleted their accounts because it got to be too stressful...

  20. I hope blogging is not going by the wayside. For me, the summer is less consistent in my blogging habits. With gardening, boating, yard work, grand kids, etc my blog reading and commenting is less regular. Cold months come and I'm here every morning at 5am seeing what everyone has to say and share. Love your blog.

  21. I always enjoy checking Blog Land everyday. I don't do FB, pinterest & blogs keep me busy enough ! I get bombarded by annoynomous comments though, I don't post a lot because of them. I'm not ready for Fall either...I want summer to last another month !!!

  22. Hello Lauren...I tried facebook and it just isn 't my cup of tea. so I went off it. I LoVe blogging and reading others blogs. Sometimes when I comment it returns ,so I am blog stupid....always learning.Anyway...I LoVe reading all your posts. LoVing the ironstone you collect.
    Have a great vacation....Hugs Marg :)

  23. I enjoy following blogs and look forward to it almost daily. I am not a facebook or instagram person so please don't give up your blog.. I would really miss it.
    Our weather here in No. Ohio has seemed a lot like Fall lately. That is ok with me, it is what follows that I don't like.

  24. Hi Lauren,
    I have wondered the same thing. I think it is that people are just busy in the summer. Facebook will never be to me what blogging is and the friends I have made are different than on facebook. I don't do much there.
    I love all of your lovely finds. I have always loved coverlets.
    I hope you have a nice vacation. Congrats on your anniversary. I think I started at the same time and I missed mine too. :)

  25. Great topic...I've notice a slower pace on Blogging too and I'm guilty of slowing down my posting as I only have a little bit of spare time but I read all blogs who leave comments on my blog and leave comments on their blogs. They have become cherished friends to me. I'm so glad you're still blogging lauren.

    I used to be on Facebook and got very tired of the constant demands for "Like me" and people trying to sell me their wears, and the personal stuff people shared on there and it was uninvited so I deactivated my Facebook account.

    When I was looking into making a YouTube video, I clicked onto a link someone sent me in an email and it took me to Google + and I really didn't want to get on there. Now I have people who puts me in their circle just like people do on Facebook.

    I love blogger because people who care about you leave comments, the rest just read and move on.
    I would rather have fewer good follower friends on Blogger than more followers on Facebook.

    Facebook is great to find friends and lost dogs and to promote social events but it should have some special place on Facebook like ads in a newspaper for stuff like that. It may have changed since I've been off Facebook for quite a while now.

    Your place is a collector's haven. Love the white ware collection.

  26. Beautiful table runner!
    Have a great vacation!!

  27. I notice that bloggers make fewer comments on their blog perhaps because of yard work and such. But I used to get a lot more visits and comments when my blog was listed on Lori's (NFF) blog. For some reason it isn't there any longer so my visits have dropped too. Saundra

  28. Oops, I meant to add that I love your table runner? And forgot to mention that I'm not all that fond of Facebook and prefer blogs since I want to choose who I visit and don't care to read comments by people I don't know but are acquaintances of those who I have friended. Just too much.

  29. Please don't stop blogging, I love to hear about your goings on, just like if you were visiting me. I don't have a blog myself, but read many through Bloglovin' and never would have FB--too many negative comments on it. Love your ironstone and that table runner is great.

  30. I love to go junking and it's great fun to hit the jackpot
    like you just did. The last good thing I found was a
    doll baby that was over 100 years old. Sits in a high
    chair in my kitchen. The runner is fab. Julia

  31. Sounds like the majority of us (me included) prefer blogging to Facebook, so please don't quit - I LOVE reading all my rug hooking & quilting blogs!

  32. well I am on FB - just another time suck in my life but I don't really post a lot myself - mainly just scroll thru and look at photos. I do belong to a couple of needlework based group and the rug hooking group too. I definitely don't think it replaces blogs. For one thing - if you see something on a blog you can go back and find it if you remember the blog writer - forget ever finding anything on FB if it is over 24 hours old. If you can I don't know how, not to mention I don't even want to bother. I agree with other commenters - it is just more personal - you develop friendships thru blogs - you feel like you know these bloggers and in some way you do "know" them. You share their finishes, their defeats, their sadness their happiness, their marriages, divorces, births and deaths. Blogging friends ARE real and I appreciate everyone who comes and visits my blog. I hope blogging die in favor of FB - I think FB is so impersonal and many people I know still resist having a FB account. glad you are doing some penny rugging - how fun ! enjoy your week - Mel

  33. Of course I've blog hopped all over the place in the last few months, so my "readership" is way down, but that is ok....basically, I do the blogging for myself, but I always appreciate it when people take the time to leave a comment. Now that I'm not rug hooking as much and have new interests, I think that has something to do with it to. I sign off of facebook in the summer....and the less I'm on it, the less I miss it. Always love stopping in at your blog!

  34. Yes seems so many blog friends are missing in action. I don't do facebook yet. Thought never but I've been thinking about it for the prim yardsale's and such. Really to much drama. The coverlet is wonderful. Have a fun trip. Amy

  35. Hi Lauren, I have to get better about posting on my special favorite blogs like yours! I read and enjoy but am guilty about letting the writers know that. Yep, FB is so easy! Anyhow , love you white ironstone. I have some too. I am really running out of space here! Hope to see you soon, maybe at Malabar.

  36. I am thinking of closing down my blog. FB seems to be where everyone is at, but blogging is so much better. I don't want to waste my time when no one leaves comments.

  37. I've been on a blogging break. I will never "do" Facebook! I prefer blogs because you develop friendships on a smaller scale. I would rather have a few "good" blogger friends...people whose interests I share, families I know a bit about, and adventures I like to follow...than a whole bunch of strangers. As in most things in life, less is more. Take some time off...I'm trying to heal a bad shoulder right now, but I'll be back blogging and commenting soon. I hope you will still be here. I follow my heart, not the Facebook posting for me.

  38. I agree, blogging is more personal and the friendships so much more enjoyable... FB.. I miss so much there... and people just are mean too...sigh... My comments a fraction of what they use to be...but my posting has been bad too...sigh... My life is just so different from when I started... Time, I need more time...LOL!!! Hugs!!! OLM... Are you coming to holly to visit and shop? We can met!!! OLM


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)