Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Wool ~ and more Wool :)

This little vintage hooked mat was purchased Sunday at the Milan, Ohio, antique show.  I don't think the show was as high quality as in previous years and the threat of storms kept some dealers away, but overall it was still a very good show with lots of great antiques.  This mat measures just under 13" x 16" and has serious damage issues on all four sides, but for the price, I just couldn't not bring it home.  I have an idea for finishing the edges, but am not sure what to do about cleaning it.  There is one area that is stained (on the right, by the fence) and overall just looks dirty.  I don't want to wait until the snow flies to try snow cleaning, but I don't want it to fall apart either.  Has anyone tried soaking a rug like this in Woolite?  Any other suggestions?
Oh, my.  Have you seen the latest Rebecca Erb wool samples?  They are wonderful.  So wonderful that I ordered six yards of wool.  I shouldn't have, but I just couldn't help myself.  These three are her coverlet colors.  The colors are to die for in person, nothing like is showing here.

I am absolutely in love with the top wool.  It is called Portabella. 

I also stocked up on two of my "go to" wools, reversible black and flax and linen.  Two "must have" wools.

Now if I'd just get the hook to linen.  I have a couple patterns ready to go, but just haven't found the time to start either.  Maybe tomorrow . . . sigh.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I have not picked up a hook it hot here or really humid. Not sure I would soak that rug. I would try making bubbles from the woolite and just put them on the top and use a cloth to help lightly rub the dirt off. It is really sweet.
    Great colors on the wool

  2. I will be curious to see how you fix that little mat. I have always been afraid to wash stained rugs, so I will be watching to see what you do, it is a lovely little mat. I love that wool. Oh my goodness, you must be in heaven with those lovely colors. I have rugs to get on my backing and just need to find the time. I already have three on backing that I haven't started. Being hot has really slowed my momentum. Have a lovely Wednesday.

  3. YUM! Those first three wools you shared are gorgeous! You're tempting me terribly - - - -

  4. Nice wool choices, the new stripes look like fun and I love that black, I got a few yards from the shop in Ct.


  5. *****NEVER SOAK A RUG ON BRITTLE BURLAP!!! this will destroy the thing right in your hands. also, do not put this fragile an item out in the snow. again, this will more than likely destroy the object. so...here is how to clean the thing. take about 4 cups of lukewarm water and into this put a teaspoon of tide liquid and two
    tablespoons of white vinegar. mix this solution up and put into this a clean wash cloth. wring the cloth out very
    thoroughly...almost dry to the feel. with this cloth start on the back of the item to see if there are any signs of color instability...bleeding. should everything be ok...proceed to the front and using a circular motion gently clean off the dirt. the circular motion is applied because you don't want shapr contrasts once you start
    moving around the dirt. continue cleaning the cloth and using the solution until the thing appears to be clean. once this has been completed, let the thing air dry. the binding should also be of binding tape...NOT yarn sewn
    because this is too fragile and will further breakdown the border materials.

  6. *****p.s...woolite should NEVER be used on a hooked rug. too harsh and shouldn't even be used for woolen
    garments such as sweaters. better to use ivory liquid
    to clean them.

  7. Your new wools are 'to die for', Lauren !

  8. I haven't bought wool for some time now. :-(

  9. Your wool looks yummy enough to start hooking. Summer is a busy time so enjoy it as much as you can. It will soon be cooler as July is half gone already.

    Love, love that Portabella wool.

    Cute little rug. I'm sure that you'll baby it. Good luck with cleaning it. Too bad there's no date on it.

    I haven't touched my hook since the weather warmed up. Too much to do.


  10. This is some weird weather everywhere.
    You had fun!

  11. I only ordere the reversible black, received it and decided I just HAD to have a yard each of the coverlet colors so that should arrive in a couple days.

    Good luck on cleaning the rug.

  12. Your new mat is so nice, looks like a Grenfell? I wish I could get back to hooking, just never enough time to do everything.

  13. I love the wools you bought! Are they from Rebecca's July mailer? My mailer doesn't have the flax and linen wool on it and I love that wool! Also, is the black one called Black Magic? I was trying to resist buying more wool, but now I'm sorely tempted!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)