Sunday, July 20, 2014

Busy, busy ~

Thanks to all who gave me suggestions on how to clean my little hooked mat.  I don't know when I will get to it, but I definitely will not be soaking it in Woolite.
Also, when I was talking about the burlap that the yarn sewing mat was being worked on, I called it the wrong thing.  I found my note a few days after posting.  It was called fine weave burlap.  I still have not worked any on it, nor have I started a rug.  I need to get my mojo back ~ and soon.
Thursday afternoon I left work a couple hours early, picked up my grandson Jake, and headed an hour west to African Lion Safari in Port Clinton, OH.  It really is kind of cheesy ~ so happy I had purchased the tickets through Groupon.  Jake had a good time so that is the only thing that matters.  Here he is in front of the monkey cage . . .

. . . and on his first camel ride. 

Much of Saturday was spent antiquing in Seville, Ohio.  (No.  We did not stop to see the Barber . . . lol.)  They had an outdoor show in addition to the wonderful shops in town.  Not too many vendors and I'm wondering if it was because of the threat of rain.  I did purchase this really cool vintage hooked rug.  It's about 3 1/2' in diameter.  I'm not too sure where it will end up.  It is showing signs of wear, but not too badly. 

 You can see the colors are much more vibrant on the back side.

I also got this sweet little ironstone tea (?) pot to add to my small collection of white ironstone.  I don't think it's English, but I like it nonetheless.

My find of the day was this wonderful little sampler from Seville Antiques.  It is only 9" square, newly framed but nicely done.  As you can see, there is some damage, but for the price it was a steal.  When I was paying for it, the sales person said it had just come in to the shop and she wishes she had found it first.  That is my third visit in a row to the shop that I have purchased an antique sampler.

I am a real homebody and prefer to spend evenings at home, but last night DSO and I went to a dance (even though we both have two left feet).  I believe this is the third time we have had the pleasure of hearing the Swing City Big Band.  They are wonderful and I really do enjoy that era of music.

Joanne of Snippets and Scraps (who hasn't blogged in forever) sent me this pug doll years ago to sew.  I am so bad.  It sat in my closet and finally sweet Melinda of Merry Wind Farm sewed it for me.  Isn't he just wonderful???  She even added some rusty bells.  Thanks so much Melinda for being such a good friend.

Oh, these weekends pass much too quickly! 
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Jake is growing like a weed! Looks like you have had some grand fun for sure and the bands sous great!

  2. Seville!!! My favorite place for prim antique mall.
    Jake sure is handsome and sounds like a fun day.

  3. Jake sure is growing into a fine young man. I would have love to see you on top of that camel.

    So glad you found yet another sampler, I love the teapot too and that Eagle rug is quite a nice find too.
    That pug pillow is really sweet.
    Enjoy your week.

    It sound exciting that you both went dancing. You can't be hooking all the time...

  4. Hey! It wasn't raining where you were. Looks like you had really nice weather for a fun day.

  5. It looks like you had a fun day with Jake and some great finds. I still have some of the cat prints to sew up, guess I should do mine.


  6. We haven't seen Jake in a while. He's getting BIG!
    He won't be a kid for much longer!
    Horay! Another sampler. You are on a roll.

  7. Jake looks like he had a good time! I have found myself looking for ironstone lately! Love the pug doll, so sweet.

  8. Such a handsome lad, fun times... Love the goodies you got, I also am a homebody, Hugs Francine.

  9. Cool vintage hooked round mat. What was the fiber, yarn, wool strips or other? How cool was that that Jake got to ride a camel!


  10. Lauren, I always love to see your antique finds. You did find some treasures this trip!

    Jake is really growing up! Glad that you and he had such a great time!

    Hugs, Linda

  11. Lucky you to have found that sweet sampler !
    Looks like Jake had a good time. Sometimes those 'cheesy' places are the best !

  12. You know, I guess no matter how cheezy something is, if we spend it with our grandchildren it not so bad!
    Love swing bands.


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