Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Rainy Day ~

What a glorious rainy day, but how can it possibly be June?  It's hard to believe just a couple weeks ago we had serious flooding issues. My gardens have already become dry and the ground cracked.  We have had several hours of a gentle, steady rain.  I do think I hear my flowers singing and doing the happy dance.

To all my Canadian friends . . . I went to the post office to double check the price to ship to Canada and it wasn't as bad as I thought, so you are most welcome to enter my give-away.  Just leave a comment on my last post or drop me an email.

I finished the Hearts and Clover mat.  It's an antique adaptation and the finished size is about 19" x 22".  I've even gotten the binding done ~ whipped it with wool yarn from Ali Strebel.  She has the most wonderful, chunky yarn.

Here are some of the wools I've used.
Both these wools are from Rebecca Erb.  I believe the wool on the left is called Favorite Khaki Background and it is one of my favorite wools. On the right is a wonderful dusty pinkish color from a recent flier.  It hooks up so old looking ~ and I am NOT a pink person.

I think the wool on the left is from Heavens to Betsy.  I used it to hook the clover, but I guess you could say I fussy cut it because I did not use the solid blue stripe.  I don't know whose wool that is on the right that I used for the hearts, but I LOVE it.  I recently purchased some from The Old Tattered Flag, but just went to their website and couldn't seem to find it.

I'm hooking a bit on What Nots before I start my next gift rug.  

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. It's nice to see how the different wools hook up. I like that pattern. We saw it hooked and on the wall at Woolen Goods (but yours is prettier)

  2. I love your colors in your rug, it is so pretty. I believe that last piece of wool is a heavens to Betsy wool. It may not be available now but it looks like some I have purchased from her.

  3. I always like it when you recommend something woolish. Being a fairly new hooker I am still learning all of this so you always help me to find things I have never heard of.
    I really like this rug. It is very nice. I am glad you had nice rain and not a deluge.

  4. We have had lots of rain the last few days. Everyones been out cutting their grass between showers. Nice and green tho! Love your finished rug and the wools used! I love dark dreary rainy days too, just not to many in a row!

  5. Your rug is beautiful, Lauren !
    It's always interesting to see how certain wools look when they are hooked.

  6. Your rug looks fabulous, Lauren! The rains you had yesterday are here today.... our grass really needed it! Have a great weekend!

  7. I think that wool to the right came from Betsy as it looks just like some purchased from her previously. Your rug looks fantastic as do those embellished knives and garden stakes made from silver flatware.


  8. I love rainy summer days when I can just sit at home and be still. Your rug is just beautiful as usual.

  9. Love seeing how different wools hook up...even after all this time hooking!

    Your rug is a beauty...little pink bird is the perfect touch...

    We had rain last night...seems like the nasty humidity has gone away and sunny this morning

  10. You sure know your wool Lauren and that little rug looks fantastic. It's fun hooking with plaid as it looks different and I like that I can use some striped separately for some effects.

    Glad you got your much needed rain. I watered a flowerbed last evening as I was trying to weed and the soil was baked on and so dry. It rained over night and it going to be a wet weekend.

    You can enter me in your giveaway but I hate for you to have to pay extra for shipping over the border.

  11. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your rug, Lauren! Your background is to die for! I want to hook that pattern, too. Ann's turned out great, also!

    Hugs, Linda

  12. Sorry I missed your giveaway however I do wear and treasure my WOOL pendant from you. Love your little mat, so cute. The weekend is on the horizon - happy Friday eve ! Mel

  13. Thanks for including us Canadians in your giveaway Lauren, please enter me..... I love your rug, so beautiful, Francine.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)