Sunday, June 8, 2014

Happy Sunday ~

It's a gloomy, rainy Sunday here in northern Ohio but no complaints from me.  We need the rain, and though I have lots of yardwork to do, I have a good excuse why it's not getting done :)  Yesterday I went and played all day ~ I was in search of more vintage plated flatware.  I did find quite a few pieces, but also came home with "something" that was not on the list . . . lol.  I will share that with you in a future post.
I've finally drawn a couple winners for the garden markers and hors d'ouevre knife.  Congrats to Julia Bush who entered via email and to Sue Tokash.  You have five days to contact me.  Please send my your snail mail address and let me know what you want your markers to say.  (These are just examples.)
If you are interested in purchasing any markers, I would be happy to oblige.  They are $6 each or $5 each for 3 or more.  I don't think shipping would be any more than $4 for 4-5 markers via USPS mail.  Shipping will be much more outside of the US.  For 5 markers to Canada I believe it would be about $9.  I will charge exact shipping only.  I am one who hates being gouged for shipping.
Thanks to all who take the time from your busy lives to read my blah, blah, blah.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Haha... my heart skipped a beat when I saw the name Julia...
    Congratulations Julia Bush. Now you have some markers to put in your garden.

    I'm mowing the lawn under a scorching sun and came down to get cooled off. We had so much rain this weekend.

  2. Hello Lauren,
    I would like to buy three. If you still have some. I have loved them so much and I am glad you said some were for sale.
    Thank you,

  3. Love your markers.. and yes we need the rain and what a perfect afternoon to take a nap.

  4. Congrats to the girls! Can't wait to see what you found! Amy

  5. Congratulations Sue and Julia!!! Yes, it is going to storm here tonight as it is clouding up considerably.


  6. Congrats to the winners! It just now started raining here in Minnesota! I spent the last 2 days playing in the garden and was ready for a break! Altho now i should try get started in the garage.. Dang the door is shut! Guess i will stay in and enjoy the all of a sudden dreary, rainy day.. Love it!

  7. Congrats to the girls, love the markets.... blessings Francine.

  8. Congrats to the winners. Those are so cute. Can't wait to see your new secret purchase :)

  9. I love them so much waiting to see your secret purchase.

  10. Congrats to the winners! Lovely pieces.

  11. Congratulations to the girls who won your markers. I always get compliments when I wear my "quilter" necklace I bought from you Lauren. I know they will LoVe their pieces too! Have a great week!
    Hugs Marg

  12. Thank you Lauren! What a happy surprise to see my name as a winner!

  13. Thank you nice ladies. This is a first for me.
    Of course, I had to order more of them for gifts.
    Love them. Also, I must tell that I went to the
    animal rescue thrift store and bought a small
    rocker with a cane seat - very shaker looking
    and for only $25.00. I have put it in my sewing
    room. Thanks Lauren!


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