Saturday, May 10, 2014

Totally Random ~

There was an antique/primitive show that I wanted to attend today, but I just could not talk myself in to the 5 hours I would have spent in the car . . . sigh.  I guess I need to look at the bright side and think of all the money I saved ~ in gas alone besides what I may have purchased.  I am just in dire need of an antique fix.

Since I probably won't have any hydrangea blooms this year due to the harsh winter, I bought this one at the discount store the other day.  I just love the blue.  I really need to amend the soil with ??? to keep the blue color.  

The lilac has started to bloom.  Ahhhhh . . . heaven.

A few more pics from around the yard.


I found this little guy in the yard today.  Actually I ran him over with the lawnmower.  Thankfully he is okay.  I'm hoping he'll stick around for a while.

I've started a new little rug though I have not yet tweaked the faces on Here a Chick.  I hooked Hearts and Clover last year and it is one of the few rugs I've ever sold, so I thought I'd hook another.  The hearts are the same color as last time.  The clover is slightly different and I'll hook the bird differently, too.  I think the pot and the background will be the same as before.

Meet Maya, my granddog.  Son J and girlfriend Jessica are on their way to Florida for a much needed vacation.  She might weigh only 4 pounds but is a mouthy little thing.  My son wants a Great Dane . . . girlfriend came in to his life with a rescued Chihuahua.  Makes me laugh.  Notice Maya's studded collar my son made her . . . between the studs are pink rhinestones.

Thankfully Ellie doesn't want to rip her throat out like she does most other dogs.  

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs (Jack Russell and Chihuahua, too) :)


  1. Maya is so cute. She's Millie size. They might be tiny but they think they are Great Danes.
    I like that rug. I need to draw a new pattern tonight

  2. You wonder why some dogs are accepted and others are not even tolerated. Maybe because she weighs less than Ellie!

  3. Spring is busting out all over your yard so how do you know you will not get blooms? I am begging mine to come back this year it is so large and I would miss those beautiful blooms.
    ps I think it is acid in the soil to keep it blue.
    your grand dog is so cute

  4. Hi Lauren,
    For the hydrangea you amend the soil with acid. Here in my neck of the wood all hydrangea are blue and if I amend with lime the won't turn pink but rather purple. Do you sell the pattern for hearts and clovers? It is one of my bucket list rugs I want to complete.

  5. Thanks for the flower fix. Ours are slow coming, but they will be here soon. Cute little granddog. It's fun to have a visitor, because then they go home!
    I know what you mean about an antique fix. I get that feeling, too. Be well...... K

  6. I like seeing spring at your house. Cute little dog.
    I like that picture of Ellie and the other one curled up on the couch. Your photos are lovely.

  7. Oh Lauren, your flowers are stunning already, wow!!!! Sweet frug and pup, Francine.

  8. I have lilac envy. I love the scent of lilac as much as I love lavender... Your flowers are so pretty. Mine are starting to bloom here and there...

    Those dogs are having the life...I had a Chihuahua years ago when the kids were young and he loved being covered in a blanket with only his nose showing. I made him a sleeping bag and he loved it....
    Happy Mothers Day Lauren.

  9. Love the pops of color around your lawn.
    Our Lilac is also now blooming - ahh, heaven !
    Happy Mother's Day, Lauren ;)

  10. Coffee grounds for the hydrangea. You have my favorite,lilacs!!!

  11. Lauren, Our lilacs bloomed for Easter and I loved having them in the house to smell as I walked by them....always so lovely! Love the picture of the bee, bees are king in our garden and the more we have, the happier we are, we even scoop them out of the pool in the summer. Is that weird? Love the little grape hyacinths....we only have a few, but I love how delicate they are. Here is some info on the, this is not from my knowledge base...just cut and paste.
    To encourage blue hydrangea flowers, grow the plant in soil that has a pH of 5.2-5.5. If your soil is more alkaline, you can lower the pH by applying Soil Acidifier at the rate specified on the package. Soil pH can also be lowered (more gradually) by applying an acidic organic mulch, such as pine needles or pine bark.

    If the pH of your soil is naturally quite high (alkaline) it will be very difficult to get blue flowers — even if there's plenty of aluminum in the soil. Alkaline soil tends to "lock up" the aluminum, making it unavailable to the plant. (However, you can grow fabulous pink hydrangeas!)

  12. Your garden is wonderful! Obviously you take great pride and hard work to keep it looking like that. I didn't go to the Sheep and Wool Festival in Maryland for the same reason... 5 hours of total travel, bridge fees, etc.

    Glad to see that Ellie has at least one canine friend.

  13. Your flowers are beautiful, Lauren...our flower gardens need a major overhaul after this past winter! Maya and Ellie look like they will be good cute together.

    LOVE your rugs...and the new clover color is REALLY nice...hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!!

    Hugs, Linda

  14. Love the bee pic looks like he just woke from a long winters nap. Toads are great garden friends we always have to shoo them off as mung thinks they are play toys. Warm Blessings! Amy


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