Wednesday, May 14, 2014

So Thankful ~

Northern Ohio had torrential rains Monday evening.  Somewhere around 4" of rain fell in a couple hours.  I've never had the tornado warning come over my phone before and it scared the bejesus out of me.  They say one touched down for a short period of time but did not cause any major damage.  So many basements were flooded.  I am thankful I just had a few streams of water that seeped in.  Many people had 3-4' of water in their basements - some having sewer backups.  Rain is in the forecast for the next 3 out of 4 days.  I wish we could save some of this rain for the months of July and August.

I'm pleased with the progress I've made on Hearts and Clover.  Saturday is the annual Western Reserve hook-in.  Always a fun time with good friends, good food and lots of good vendors.

Maya the granddog is still with me for a few more days.  She is such a mouthy little thing.  She moves so fast it's hard to get a picture of her.

The funny thing is that she is the alpha dog over Ellie . . . Ellie who wants to kill most other dogs and people.  

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Stay dry! Nice hooking progress.

  2. That would have scared the bejeezers out of me too. New rug looks good. Those tiny dogs are funny. They really do think they are huge.

  3. I hope the rains stop, floods are not fun. We are getting the rains coming this way, so looks like long rainy days ahead.


  4. We thought when winter was over we were safe from the wrath. Not so! The wicked weather just keeps coming. Hope the worst is over. Hate the thought of tornadoes. It's coming our way now.
    The dogs are so cute. They should give you lots of excitement for a few days.

  5. lol! Ellie looks like she's laughing in that last pic! Cute! Your Hearts and Clover rug is hooking up beautifully! Love the soft colors! We had one of those soaking storms a couple of weeks ago where 6" of rain fell in some areas... I could hardly believe that much water could fall from the sky in such a short period of time... stay safe.... keep dry... and hook on! :-)

  6. Oh ya, I would have been scared too Lauren. Love the rug, looking great. Sweet wee ones, I have a yappy wee one too, Blessings Francine.

  7. Crazy lightening here for a few nights...makes a beautiful if scary drive least the rain was only sprinkles by then...give me cold over this humidity any day...

    The rug is love seeing it at this stage...

    Looks like Ellie is just riding the storm out with the grand dog...

  8. Wow, announcement over your phone line? Never knew they could do that and hope I never have to hear that kind of warning either. Ellie looks cute on your very lovely hooked rug. And your new project is turning out great. Another on my 'to do' list.


  9. I'm glad that you were spared damage but I too would have been scared. We get a bit of water seeping in our basement at every rain that comes from the north now. We need to get some landscaping done to fix the problem but my hubby is slow at fixing things.

    Funny about the bravery of little dogs.

    Stay safe and dry.

  10. So glad to hear everything is OK, hopefully you won't get too much more rain.

    I'm in love with that doggie(and cat?) rug that Ellie is on, I need to find one like it for my pups.


  11. Your rug is looking good Lauren! Ellie is so cute. Stay safe and dry! Hugs, Lori

  12. We are going into rain for the next couple of days too.
    I love your rug and have a really great time.

  13. The colors you chose for the Hearts and Clover rug are so soft and beautiful !
    And, how is it that dogs always like to lay on the hooked rugs ? Must be very comfortable ;)

  14. Your rug is looking wonderful Lauren!
    Ellie is being such a good girl to her house guest...
    We are now getting lots of rain!!
    Stay dry!

  15. Morning Lauren!
    We had those rains on Wednesday and had 3 inches - we are almost at flood stage here and I thank goodness we live way up a hill from the river.
    Isn't it funny how a little dog like that can be the Alpha - poor Ellie, bet she will be glad when the 'roomie' has left for home.

  16. So glad you were safe but not all of that water. I sure wish we could have it.
    It would have scared me to get that phone call too. I do hope you don't get anymore water that fast. Have a lovely time.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)