Saturday, May 17, 2014

Hook-in ~

Today was the annual Western Reserve Rug Hooking guild's hook-in.  What fun.  Of course, I barely got the camera out and only have a few things to share.  

Betsy's bunnies ~ Betsy of Heavens to Betsy fame.  They were hooked with handtorn strips . . .

. . . and finished "Betsy style".  Aren't they fun?

I purchased the pattern for the medium sized bunny.

Rhonda (My Glory Stars) and Betsy.

Oh, I do love this rug Kaye is hooking.  She always chooses THE BEST primitive colors, but she did say she hooked the rooster THREE times.

Alice's gorgeous wools . . .

. . . and Donna's.

Isn't this bulldog a hoot?  The dog was hooked in handtorn strips.

My winnings from the Chinese auction.  It also came with the finest rug hook I've ever seen.  I think you'd use that hook to hook dental floss . . . lol.  I gave it away before I thought to take a picture.

For the second year in a row I got lucky and won a door prize.  

Even without a flash the colors are too bright.

Yummy new wools (not the true colors, either).

And another Heavens to Betsy pattern. I still haven't hooked the cat pattern I bought from her a couple years ago :)

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Wow lucky you! I love those bunnies.

  2. What wonderful rugs and bunnies and wonderful prizes to win.


  3. Those bunnies are adorable! Congrats on winning!

  4. Wow Lauren thank-you for sharing the photos! I love seeing the wool and the rugs and Rhonda and Betsy! Now I know what they look like ( Rhonda and Betsy) that is! It sounds like so much fun and a great group of hookers!
    Cathy G

  5. Congratulations on your winnings Lauren. You are a lucky gal to get all that beautiful wool. It sounds like this was a nice fun way to spend Saturday.

  6. Great pictures ~ I forgot to take any! It was a fun day for sure! Love your rug!!

  7. So happy you had such a fun time...wonderful winnings!

  8. Enjoyed talking to you at the hook-in yesterday. It sure was a great day. Donna

  9. Love Betsy's cat pattern and that magnificent Rooster! Lucky you yo bring home more winnings and great wool. Recently arrived at Barbs and will soon have a glass of Chardonnay.

  10. sounds like a marvelous time at the hook in Lauren. Glad you had some luck and won a few things. You funny girl - using the hook for dental floss LOL ! have a great week Mel

  11. Good evening Lauren, I have so much blog reading to catch up, butI am glad to read you are well and hooking up a storm and I see spring has arrived in your neck of the woods...BTW, I love the hooked Bulldog and what a great winning you received...I chuckled when I read that Maya was rather "throaty" describes Winslow Homer to a T...Thinking of you, Julie...

  12. Lauren,
    Did you win that cute teddy bear as well? He's adorable and the wool isn't so bad either. Glad you had a good time.


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