Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Just a Quickie ~

Since Saundra showed you her hearts, I thought I would show mine, too.  The heart on the left is much more subtle in person.  It is just wonderful shades of "dark".  

I did not stuff mine but finished them off with a patchwork back.  I wish I had time to hook a couple more . . . maybe next year.

Oh, what a day at work.  When I got back from lunch I had seven messages and must have had at least 75 more calls after that.  Let me just say that there were no happy campers.  I was told I was snotty, that I didn't give a damn and was hung up on several times.  If the weather is that bad (we must have gotten 10" plus lots of blowing snow) and you don't have a vehicle that can plow through it, do you really need to go to the bank? If you knew a storm was coming, why did you wait until today to pick up your prescription. GGGRRRRR!!!  Can you tell I had a bad day? Tomorrow will be better ~ I am leaving work a little early and heading to Sauder Village to hook for two days.  Just a little bit of heaven :)  Well, I really need to pull the wool for my rug.  Oh, that's just so hard for me.  I'll tell you all about it when I get back.

Thanks for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Ok, go trolling through your wool stash and throw some things in your bag. Forget the phone and the pesky tax payers and the snow. Focus on the hook, fondle the wool, breathe.......

  2. Boy will you need to get away. Love your hearts

  3. I am so sorry but I am so happy you have two days of heaven. People can be so unthinking and rude.
    A little bit of hooking will help.
    Have fun. Your hearts are wonderful.

  4. I like how you pieced the backings on them, great idea to use up small scraps of wool.


  5. Wonderful hearts and hope you enjoy your time hooking!

  6. WoW! Two days to play! "hookers that play together ...stay together" :)

  7. Ejoy Sauder...I know Bobbie is going, you two have a blast!!!

  8. Deep breath, stiff drink...enjoy your creative getaway.

  9. Love the backs of your hearts Lauren. So homey.
    Don't let others determine your day and steal your joy !
    Hope you have a good day and some smiles at Sauder Village ! ;)

  10. Your hooked hearts are gorgeous! I agree with you on the people situation.... it seems everyone wants to blame someone else for their situation... and heaven forbid anyone should plan ahead... yeesh! You deserve a woolie vacation! Enjoy!
    P.S. I read somewhere... "Why isn't common sense more common?" lol! Sooo tru!

  11. Some days at work can really test your patience, that's for sure! So glad you are going to get away for a couple of days. That will be very enjoyable!

  12. I use to keep a poster behind my desk at work that said
    "Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part."

    enjoy your retreat.

  13. Hurry up and get going... The nerves of some people. I like Jacqueline quote. Have fun and don't think about work.
    Hook your heart away. Love the hearts.


  14. The hearts were wonderful, and I have a nice new heart to add to my three AND a silver fob/pendant.....thank you sweet Lauren. Have fun at Sauder and can't wait to see your progress.


  15. hope you have a great time at Sauder - be careful in the snow - we want you to make it to heaven - Mel

  16. You have a tough job! Please feel my wooley hug. Kat

  17. Argghhh....In just a few words, you threw me back into "public service" H*#L!!! NOOOOOOO....(My favorite was....if you knew he was an irresponsible deadbeat when you chose him/her as the parent of your child, you really think it's my job and within my ability to change that now???) Now you're gonna give me nightmares for sure. ;o) I adore your sweet hearts (get it - "sweethearts"???) Ok....time for nighty night..... Have fun a corner for me!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  18. Love the hearts and hope that you had a great time hooking.Hugs,Jen

  19. oh boy! this is getting to be a longggggg winter for everyone!


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