Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Congrats to ~

Two people with the same name wished to be entered in the give-away, so I named them #1 and #2.  Debra #1, who left a comment on January 30th at 10:33 pm, was chosen.  Debra, please send me your snail mail information :)  Congrats to Debra and many thanks to all.

I haven't posted a pic of grandson Jake in a while. He is getting so grown up.  That boy loves his Legos!

I worked late again tonight.  I am trying so hard to get half-way caught up but it just isn't happening.  I feel like I'm taking one step forward and two steps back.  Some things can be put off ~ others cannot.  It's another two weeks before the new person transfers to the office.  ACK!  

I'm off to Sauder Village this Thursday evening to spend two days hooking.  It will be so good to get away and I so need a break. I have so much to do before leaving.  It should be no big deal to throw a few things in the suitcase, but I still haven't pulled all the wool for my new project and that's the most important thing!  Somehow it will all get done.  It always does :)

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Congrats to Debra! Jake IS looking so grown up...our lives are racing by so quickly, Lauren. My oldest grandchild will be 10 in a month, and I can't believe how the years have flown!

    I'm so glad you are getting away for two wonderful days at Saucer Village...a great break from the busyness. Have a great time!!

    Hugs, Linda

  2. Congratulations Debra #1 on a sweet, sweet, win!! I've seen Lauren's wonderful hooking, and you picked an amazing giveaway to win!! Jake is getting big....wow...and oh how my Little Crow loved Legos....then he started asking if he could take the dustbuster apart....and so it went.... Just saying.... Have fun at Sauder....I've decided I don't like being the evil twin...you get to do all the fun stuff, and I get none..... ;o) But I know you can use, and will enjoy, the break.... Smiles & Hugs ! Robin

  3. Don't you just love the way computers anticipate what you want to say?! Mine keeps changing what I type to what it thinks makes sense:-(. Have fun at SAUDER Village....sigh.

  4. Oh my Jake is going so fast with that red hair and green shirt he looks like a good irish boy.
    enjoy your time off it will be so nice.

  5. Oh My gosh- that's me!
    I am so thrilled!
    Your grandson Jake looks a lot like my hubby when he was young!

  6. Your grandson is very busy with his Legos...

  7. Congrats to Debra! Enjoy your break and hooking. Warm Blessings! Amy

  8. Yeah for Debra!! I feel your work stress. I am heading to my GF for a mini hook in with a group of ladies this weekend. Cannot wait for the creative time!

  9. i think all boys love legos.my son did and now my grandson does. have fun at your hook in.

  10. Hi Lauren, congrats to Debra#1, lucky gal........Jake is growing like a weed, cute guy.....Enjoy your time away hooking, nice break for you, Blessings Francine.

  11. Congrats to Debra and I know that she'll love her win! And yes, Jake has really grown up and love that smile for grandma!

  12. I have sent a email to you

  13. Lucky you Debra, and congratulations on your wonderful win.

    Oh yes you do need to get away and have a little fun.


  14. Congrats to Debra. My, Jake is growing up so quickly.

  15. Love Jake's smile! Growing up indeed!!! Congrats to Debra... seems I missed another...LOL... always a day late. HEHE.. OLM

  16. Congrats to Debra #1! Jake sure is a cutie!

  17. Hi Lauren- I wanted to let you know that the heart rug came today, When I opened the box it took my breath away! It is so beautiful. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  18. omg he sure is growing up! and such a cutie! they are such fun those grandbabes! congrats to Debra! how fun!! im here trying to catch up with tea in hand! Dallas is on soon so i need to get busy!! enjoy your evening!


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