Sunday, November 3, 2013

Seven Hundred ~ ~ ~

Here I go again, asking where another month has gone.  Time to put the Halloween away and get out the turkeys. I hate that Thanksgiving is so late this year. Stores are already in full Christmas mode and it will be here all too quickly.

Yesterday was spent at the Gathered Treasures and Simple Goods shows in Mansfield, Ohio.  Lots of good antique stuff ~ much of it outrageously priced.  Both shows are geared for the primitive lover.  My house is antique-filled, but it's not "prim".  I'm not sure how to describe my style.  Even if I could afford the ultra-prim antiques, my 1940 colonial does not lend itself to that style.  Of course, I did purchase a few things.  This canvas print needs touched up in a couple places, but for the price I could not resist.  (I just hung it on my cupboard door to try to get a picture ~ so hard to get without a glare.)

And how could I not come home with this pug?  He's the real deal, dating from about the turn of the century.  Once the Halloween is put away, he will join his little pug brother that I purchased a few years ago.  (And Joanne, one of these days I really will get around to sewing the one you sent me.)

Now for the seven hundred part.  This is post #700.  That is a whole lot of blah, blah, blah.  When I started, I had no idea I would still be at it four and a half years later.  I never dreamed the friendships I would make.  Blogging has been a wonderful experience and I plan to continue.  So for all of you who are reading this, I am having a give-away ~ one of my Betsy-style pumpkins hooked with hand torn strips.  As always, entering is easy.  Leave a comment on this post or send me an email with give-away in the subject line so I don't miss it.  You MUST CONTACT ME within 3 days to claim your win or I will choose another name.  Too often I've had someone stumble upon my blog, enter, win, and then never come back again.  'Nuff said :)  Oh, I'll probably pick the winner on Friday.

Thank you, dear friends, from the bottom of my heart.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Good evening Lauren, how are you adjusting to this time change? Wonderful canvas print, great find, and the little stuffed pug, priceless. I would love to enter and win your lovely hooked pumpkin, but as the winner of your button bracelet giveaway, I feel it would not be fair...The Christmas season has begun, I am going to enjoy Fall and Thanksgiving...but I confess this evening I ordered a twig christmas will not replace a live tree, Mr. Dog Trot would not go for that!!

  2. Congratulations on #700. I love seeing bits and pieces of your home I would love to see a tour sometime. The cabinets in your hooking room made me drool! Your pumpkin mats are adorable.

  3. Evening Lauren, Great canvas painting but adore the sweet Pug pillow, love it.....Yes, Christmas everything is popping up already.....Would love a chance to win your wonderful pumpkin, please enter me in your giveaway, Blessings Francine.

  4. Congrats on #700! Most stores now look like Christmas threw up in them. I wish we could enjoy each season as they come as we did when I was little. Thanks for a chance on the giveaway!

  5. I love your blog. Congrats on 700!

    I feel lucky.

    Hugs, Kat

  6. Hi Lauren,
    Wow that is a lot of blogging! I hope you continue on to 700 more!! That pug pillow is adorable! I know what you mean by the high prices on the primitives! I love looking at it all though!! I would love to go to that show someday! I see so much about it on the blogs etc!
    Cathy G

  7. Wow 700!! That's a lot of posts... you go girl. Ive enjoyed and been inspired by your rugs. The pug pilllow is adorable, nice finds.

  8. Wow 700!! That's a lot of posts... you go girl. Ive enjoyed and been inspired by your rugs. The pug pilllow is adorable, nice finds.

  9. Wow 700!! That's a lot of posts... you go girl. Ive enjoyed and been inspired by your rugs. The pug pilllow is adorable, nice finds.

  10. Wow 700!! That's a lot of posts... you go girl. Ive enjoyed and been inspired by your rugs. The pug pilllow is adorable, nice finds.

  11. Wow 700!! That's a lot of posts... you go girl. Ive enjoyed and been inspired by your rugs. The pug pilllow is adorable, nice finds.

  12. Congrats on 700.. It is not blah as you said. I do enjoy reading your blog and looking at the rugs, yours and the ones you go to take pictures of.. I have a cat pillow much like the pug one... I would love to win the give away. My hubby is the hooker but the pumpkin would look nice next to his latest finish.... SANDI.

  13. Love the new picture.We've been invited a few times to the big prim shows but the rates they charge I'd have to raise my prices way up. That's probly alot of why the sellers are high. I'd rather stick with flea and sell fast and cheap. Would love a chance at the pumpkin. Warm Blessings! Amy

  14. I would love to win one of your pumpkins. Please enter me in your giveaway.

  15. I'm thinking the internet made everyone smart about the antiques they have.... so finding a deal is going to be so difficult. My home is not extreme prim neither... I'm calling it "Farmhouse Fresh"! lol! The pug doll is so cute... love the paws on the bottom! :-) Thanks for the opportunity to win one of these pumpkins!

  16. whew 700 is a milestone. I am so glad you do blog I always enjoy your post's.

    And thanks for a chance at your pumpkin.

  17. No need to enter me in the giveaway...just wanted to say 'congrats' on still blogging after all these years! YAY! And...that is an awesome pug find!!

  18. 700 posts !!!! Congrats !!! I still haven't started on your beautiful rug pattern I won....too much painting going on & now that we have our First Grand Baby, a little girl , I am in Baby Wonder land !!!! It will have to wait & be my Winter Thyme project ! Congrats Again !!!!

  19. Hi Lauren...congratulations on reaching 700 - I have always enjoyed reading your blah blah's interesting and enjoyable too. So keep up the posting.
    I will not enter the contest as I bought the pattern from you (haven't made it yet so I guess it will be ready for next Fall lol).
    Simple Goods...oh I like that show but yes, way over priced. I guess they know those that love the Prims will buy it. So fun to go though and you did get a couple of great items.


  20. Congratulation on 700 posts!! Good job. I love that antique pug, that is so cute. I had to laugh as I don't really know what my style is either or if I have a style. I know I won some of your jewelery recently, and I shouldn't enter but ever since you started those pumpkins I have been so curious about hand torn strips. So I would love to be entered in your giveaway. I have loved each of those pumpkins every time you did one. Thank you Lauren. I am so thankful I started blogging as I have met the nicest people too.
    Have a great week.

  21. 700 posts is quite an accomplishment. Just think...of all the people who have seen that Pug pillow, it was waiting just for you. I would love to have one of your pumpkins. Here's hoping!

  22. Good heavens, I haven't checked to see how many posts I've made but am sure it isn't 700; congratulations.

    I love the print and the pug. And anyone would be proud to be the recipient of your famous hooked pumpkins.


  23. I find your pumpkin mats in hand-torn strips and patched back really charming. I think it was last year that I was first reading blogs, and I think you showed these then too, if I'm remembering correctly. ...jan in VA

  24. Hi Lauren, love your painting and stuffed pug.
    Congrats on 700 posts!!!
    Time sure does fly by!
    Enjoy your evening!

  25. That little pug was made just for you. Happy 700!!

  26. What a fantastic painting and such a sweet lil' pug. Congrats to you on 700 wonderful posts :)

  27. Congrats on the 700..Wow that is amazing!! Love the pumpkin and the pug and the pic!!
    Have a great day.

  28. 700 posts! Now that's a lot of Yada, Yada, Yada! Of course I love them all! I saw your cute little Pug but didn't see this print, it is wonderful. Can't see any damage. So glad to see you again.

  29. Lauren,
    Hard to realize that you have been blogging this long. I have never read any of your posts that I didnot enjoy. Here's to the next 700!!
    Am throwing my name in the hat for your latest giveaway. Would love to win.

  30. congrats to you lauren I know I am so happy to be a blogger friend.
    don't put me in cause I have won my share (although it is wonderful and hard to resist.)
    here is to another 700 posts.

  31. Great to hear you have worked hard for a long time. 700 post...

    Your handwork looks great.

  32. Congratulations, Lauren! Wow...700 posts! Quite an accomplishment...seems like only yesterday that you started your blog...WHERE does the time go? I love reading your blog
    posts and following you to all the hook ins and rug shows and antique shops and pug rescue events and Grandma/Jake day trips!

    Anyway, please keep up the great work...your rugs are wonderful as is your blogging. I would be honored to get a chance to win your pumpkin matt.

    Hugs, Linda

  33. Lauren, it was great to see you at the Gathered Treasures show! I am so glad the picture found a fantastic home with you. I had such a good time and I picked up a couple great priced goodies there as well. I can't wait until April to do it again!

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Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)