Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunday Eve ~

I am coming off a four day weekend.  Heaven :)  I could get used to this!!!  Tomorrow it's back to reality.  
Today was the first day in many we got no rain. I was able to get grass mowed at the house I can't sell - UGH - and yard work done here at home.  I got in a little hooking time but of course not as much as I had planned.
This evening I had the pleasure of spending time with Laura and her daughter Sydney, the daughter and granddaughter of my dear friend Judy.  Many of you will remember that Judy was Ellie's first furever mom and after her unexpected passing, I adopted little Miss Ellie. They were visiting from California and took time from their busy days to visit with Ellie.  Ellie was lovin' all the attention and belly rubs.  They are just as sweet as my friend Judy was :)

Progress has been made on my little mat.  It's a pattern by Ye Country Mercantile.  I hope to finish the hooking in a few days.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. What a sweet picture of your friend and her mom's doggie ~ very wistful! The corner of your rug looks great!!!

  2. Good morning Lauren,
    How sweet to see your friends children. Goodness they look like sisters, not mother/daughter.
    Such a tease with that hooked piece.

  3. Judy was smiling Sunday evening!

  4. That was so nice to get that visit! Your rug is looking good...I sometimes miss hooking. Have a good week!

  5. Morning, oh how nice to they came for a visit, Ellie looked happy........Looking good with the hooked piece, Blessings Francine.

  6. I thought that they were sisters and not mother and daughter. Ellie seems happy to see them as much as they are to see her.

    Just a peek... my guess, it's a sSanta holding a Christmas tree. It looks great.

    Hugs, JB

  7. Miss Ellie is so sweet! Can't wait to see the whole rug...the corner looked cute!


  8. What sweet girls. Your rug looks wonderful. I hardly got any hooking done either, that was what I had planned for the four days. I hooked a teeny bit last night.
    Yep, back to normal this week. :)
    I hope your week this week goes as fast as the weekend did.

  9. That is very nice they stopped by to see you and Ellie. Yes Ellie looks like she is soaking up all that lovin.


  10. For Pete's sake, I thought I was a Follower of your blog and just realized I wasn't so FINALLY joined. DUH.


  11. well my friend it looks like you are way ahead of the holiday coming. my daughter wants to sell her house too they had an offer but they wanted it for nothing and everything in it.
    we shall see.

  12. Looks like they all had a wonderful visit!

    Can't wait to see your finished rug! OLM

  13. What a lovely blog you have here:) Do you have bloglovin to follow with??

    Check out my blog...If you want some cute Swedish decor inspiration:)

    Have a grea weekend dear

    LOVE Maria at


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