Saturday, July 6, 2013

Fungi ~

As in many parts of the country, we have had plenty of rain.  I'm not complaining because every year it seems it's either feast or famine in the rain department and since I don't depend on the weather for my livelihood, I'll take the lush green over dry brown any day.  Thankfully I have no low spots in my yard, so although it's too wet to do much yard work, I don't have standing water. Mushrooms are everywhere.  Here's a sampling in the neighborhood.

This must be an edible version since they all have a bite or two taken out of it.  Isn't it amazing that animals can recognize what is safe and what is not?

I just had to share pictures of my neighbor's hydrangea.  I've never seen so many flowers.  He said last fall he had some rotting tomatoes that he put under the plants and the acid caused the wonderful blue shades.  Every year I plan to add something acidic to the soil and never do.

Can you believe I am once again caught up on my rug binding?  Nothing short of a miracle.  I have been hooking for 8 years and this is the first time I've ever whipped a rug with yarn.  It is a great chunky yarn from Ali Strebel.  I must say it was quite easy and I do like the look.

If you need (or just want) a book on finishing techniques, Kris Miller of Spruce Ridge Studios has a good one.

Thanks so much for stopping by.  Happy Saturday to you.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I love mushrooms but don't know enough about which ones are safe so I stick to the grocery store ones ;)
    Beautiful blooms! Tomatoes? Imagine that.
    I like a whipped edge too but sometimes get too lazy

  2. Same here - lots of mushrooms growing.
    I like the look of the yarn whipped edge.
    The blooms are incredible. Never thought to put tomatoes under them!

  3. That's a lot of fungi. I stick to the bought one too. Just too chicken to try any even though I have a guide to edible mushroom.

    Your whipped edge looks perfect. Thanks for the information about the finishing book.
    Wow, those hydrangeas looks gorgeous and imagine that, tomatoes....

    Enjoy your weekend.

  4. It is hard to believe that here in NE Ohio that it is July and everything is lush and green. My flowers and veggies are loving this daily rain/mist weather.

    Enjoy your weekend and congrat's on being current on your binding.

  5. Those hydrangea are gorgeous ...pretty colors like cotton candy at a carnival !

  6. I love all of the different kinds of mushrooms you have, we just have one kind, plain ole toadstools. :)
    I love your finished rug I need to get a book with different kinds of rug finishes.
    I hope you are having a nice weekend.

  7. Have plenty of mushrooms in my yard too and some really weird shapes and colors. I saw a squirrel scampering with the stem of a mushroom in his mouth and was amazed at the same thing...... how do THEY know what is safe to eat and I'd be scared to try? Natures wisdom I guess.

    I need to catch up on my binding and think I'll work on that right now while I'm pondering Westmoreland Ponies.


  8. Hi Lauren, wow!!! So many different mushrooms, so neat.......Those Hydrangias

  9. Just amazing how fungi grow.We've had some odd ones too. The hydrangeas are gorgeous! Warm Blessings!~Amy

  10. We get some weird ones in the woods where it is damp. Love the Hydrangea's, gorgeous mix of colors.


  11. love the hydrangea's. denise

  12. The hydrangeas were beautiful!!! We have the same color on the North side of our house! Ours are not as "loaded" as your neighbor's, though.


  13. Mushrooms are interesting looking things aren't they? I've always wanted to try and plant hydrangea's. They are so pretty especially the shades of blue!

  14. You certainly do have a variety of mushrooms in your area... we haven't seen any yet here... though we have been getting rain nearly every day. Love that hydrangea! I planted some here last year and they all returned this year with a couple of blooms... and so far, none of the critters have eaten them! :-) Great job on the whip stitch binding! Most of my rugs are finished that way... though i do hope to try the wool covered cording technique one day... but first, it needs to cool down enough to where I can hok! lol! ;-)

  15. Hi Lauren,
    You did a great job on your binding!
    Hydrangeas are so beautiful, they are one of my favorite plants.
    Thanks for sharing all the beautiful rugs!


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