Friday, July 19, 2013

Off to Play ~

Remember I mentioned I how thankful I was that I work in an office with A/C?  Well, the air was down yesterday and it wasn't until mid-morning today that they got it back on.  Oh, how spoiled I have become.  (I grew up with no A/C anywhere.) Today I left work early to go play.  As soon as I finish this quick post, I’m heading south . . . south of Columbus to visit long time friend Wink, do a little antiquing, and stop over and visit Melinda at Merry Wind Farm.  Life is good.

Last evening at hooking, I got lots done on the pumpkin.  I probably could have finished it if I hadn't taken the time to eat a ginormous cheeseburger (cooked perfectly medium rare) with bacon and blue cheese.  Oh, and did I mention the home made potato chips?  The scale hated me this morning but it was worth it : )  I'm hooking with hand torn strips . . .

. . . and the more I hook, the more I love plaids and textures!

Gotta run.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs : )


  1. Have fun playing gurlfren. Can't wait to see what you bring home from your afternoon off. Say "HI" to Melinda for me and take pictures of her baskets. Everyone at camp loved the basket I got from her.


  2. OOPS, it was Ann Frank's Ohio Farm Baskets, not Melinda. BUT, I think Melinda has a basket also. Can't keep all my gurlfrenz straight.


  3. Hi Lauren, have a great time, yippee!!!! Love the plaids too, Francine.

  4. I hope you have a glorious weekend with your friends.

  5. Your prim pumpkin is hooking real fast and looks good with that yummy plaid.

    I'm envious that you can take off just like that after work for the weekend to visit a friend and have fun, but I really hope that you
    enjoy yourself and take pictures.


  6. I love the textures too, it gives rugs such a great look! That pumpkin is going to be great!

  7. no A/C is like torture the older I get...

    hope you have a great time this weekend...are you going to finish that pumpkin while you're visiting?

  8. How fun!!! Tell Melinda hello for me.

  9. How fun to take off to visit Wink and go antiquing..hope your visit is fun and fruitful!

    Your pumpkin is looking great! I really want to try a hand torn rug myself one day.

    Hugs, Linds

  10. A cheeseburger...and home made chips. Oh, I am drooling.

  11. we would be lost without a/c. enjoy your day. denise

  12. Lovely punkin'! I'm going to have to try one of these one day soon! Have fun on your trip!

  13. Can't wait for your next post. You always find fun things when you are with Wink.

  14. yummm anything with blue cheese. you are hooking so much I am jealous. Have fun with your friend wink

  15. bet you had a great time visiting Melinda - photos coming I hope??? have a great week ! Mel


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