Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Another Hump Day ~

Oh, the weeks are just flying by.  Already past the mid-point of July.  How did we get here already? It was another hot one on the north coast.  I am so thankful I work in an air conditioned office and now have A/C that works both in the house and the car.

Took grandson Jake swimming today.  Well, he swam, I did not.  Still haven't gotten the nerve up to look for the bathing suit and actually try it on. He had a ball.  His back flips off the side of the pool make me too nervous so I made him stop.  I tried to catch him mid-air but could not.

My new old cupboard top.  Not wild about it but it's a start.  My collection of ironstone is pretty pathetic . . . I guess I'll need to do something about that and I don't care much for the coverlets either.  A very small part of my stone fruit collection is on the third shelf next to a piece of Peaseware.

The large sampler was a gift from a former college roommate, many years ago.  She and I have not seen each other in 20 years and are planning to get together soon.  Stitched in 1984, it hung over my bed until recently when I replaced it with my Magdalena hooked rug.

Part of my collection of treenware ~ one of my favorite collections, picked up one or two pieces at a time.

Tomorrow evening is hooking with Katie at the Chairmaker in Vermilion.  My next hooking project is not ready for the frame, so I'd better go draw a pumpkin on linen so I have something to work in.  I'm not ready for fall ~ just a pumpkin is a no brainer to draw.

There's a relatively new blog in town.  If you are a mom to a son or two, or just need a laugh, stop over at Janice's blog, the Rug Hooking Store.  I'm sure she will appreciate the visit.  Stop by her website and take a peak in the the rug gallery.  I left with a serious case of rug envy!

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Jake looks like he had a blast and the pool to himself? How does that happen on a hot summer day? I know just the thing for the top shelf of your cupboard - a Long & Skinny Basket made to your dimensions! I'm off to check out the new blog. Thanks for the heads up. ~Ann

  2. Your collection of treen is fabulous!!! I never see pieces like these. If that's only a portion of the stone collection, show us the rest! Both cupboards are sooooooooooo nice.

  3. Morning, fun times for Jake, yippee!!!! What a wonderful collection there, beautiful pieces Lauren.....Blessings Francine.

  4. You can tell Jake's having a blast! You have a lot of wonderful pieces and you have them displayed so nice.

  5. I enjoyed the glimpses of your collections...very nice. Cute pics of Jake, too. He looks like he is having a great time.

  6. Jakes seems to have grown up a lot. Great shot of him. Wow that's some collection. It must be a pain when it comes time to dust, not that you would have dust like I have here working on the farm.

    Big hugs

  7. I hear ya regarding bathing suits! Jake looks like he's having enough fun for both of you.

    Love your cupboards and the treenware collection is fabulous!

    You can't go wrong with a pumpkin rug....I'm sure it will be prim and perfect, Lauren. Can't wait to see pictures :-)

    Hugs, Linda

  8. LOVED seeing your collections!

  9. Loved your post today ! I don't even look at bathing suits !!!! It is sooo Hot & Steamy....have had enough !!! Your grandson looks so cute & reminds me of spending days at the pool with my kids when they were little. Pumpkins & Snowmen might make this weather tolerable !

  10. Great collections! By the way, Ann Frank and Bobbie Beauchamp have been telling me that you need to come do our Harvest At The Mill show in September. I am honored to have one of your necklaces that Bobbie gifted me with. Let me know if you might be interested! Dawn


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)