Thursday, June 13, 2013

Odds and Ends and an Annie Update ~

Here is a recent update I got from Annie's furever mom.  As most of you will remember, she is the pug-wannabee that I fostered for 16 months through Ohio Pug Rescue.  Lucky for her to be in the most perfect, loving home.  It was worth the wait!

"All is going very well with our little family! Annie is such a sweetie pie! :) I just got back from taking her to the farmers market and Starbucks-she loves the attention. Yesterday she went to school with me and the kids just loved her to pieces!! Also, she hiked 10 miles with us one day-she is a trooper! We always watch her really close to be sure she isn't overheating, but she keeps trucking right along. She also enjoys drinking from all the fresh running creeks-who would have thought a pug could hike like that. :) Sadly the weather is starting to get really hot so we'll probably be doing fewer hikes with our girl-need to keep her safe out there. 

We're still working in teaching her some manners. You wouldn't believe how accustomed she's become to riding in the back seat! She always wants to jump in back! We've even taught her to sit and wait before she can get out I'd the car-so we'll behaved! We took her to Kentucky a few weeks ago to visit family-she slept most of the trip!"

Annie has a better social life than I do :)
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Thanks for all the lovely comments regarding my visit with hooker Sheila.  Here is part of what she had to say, "Thanks everyone for your very kind words.  Lauren has such sweet blogging friends."  
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Speaking of blogs, there's a relatively new blog you need to visit if you haven't already done so, Dogwood Farm.  Louise is a hooker, pug mom and a real sweetie!
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It's been over two weeks and I've not heard from the winner of the rug pattern, so I've drawn a new name.  Congrats to NMK.  You must contact me within the week with your snail mail address to claim the pattern.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I love Annie! I'm so glad she's happy in her new home.

  2. It looks like Annie had a fun day and she looks so cute all zonked out in the car.


  3. Never tire of seeing that sweet so wonderful when they find the perfect furever family.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  4. She is so sweet and looks like very very happy.
    good for annie!
    I am off to visit the newish blog.

  5. Morning Lauren, so happy Annie found a loving home, love that furry Pug face......Will check out the new blogger... Happy Weekend, Francine.

  6. Oh happiness!!! What a perfect match for Annie!

  7. It sounds like Annie has found her little slice of heaven on earth. It had to make it easier leaving you.

    Have a great weekend.

  8. I think I am the winner !!!!! I am NMK !!!!! You won't believe just what a Special Gift !!!! I have had a few tough weeks recovering from surgery....Pinch ME !!!! You made My Day !!!!!!

  9. I tried to e-mail you, but I can't.....

  10. I loved the Annie update! Her life sounds so wonderfully happy.

  11. So glad Annie is going well and in a happy home!

  12. Oh I am so glad she has such a nice home. I love the pictures of her too. What a nice thing you did for her.

  13. That was a very sweet update and so pleased Annie has such a great forever family to share life with. Thanks for keeping us informed.


  14. So glad Annie has a such a caring home.

  15. I am so happy for Annie! She found such a nice family thanks to you. She sure is a cutie!
    Thank you Lauren for being so sweet!


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