Sunday, June 16, 2013

Hooky Stuff and a few Flowers ~

For you longtime blog friends, you may remember this rug.  For whatever reason, this rug took me 11 1/2 months to hook and at least another 6 to 8 months before I put the binding on.  Since then, it has been rolled up in a basket.  I finally got my DSO to hang it for me over the head of my bed.  I love it there!  And of course, the rug colors are much more muted in person :)  
How many of you remember the dark pine that was SO popular back in the 70's?  The bed is the only piece I have left of the set. 

Another rug I finally hung in the guest room.  It is a Woolley Fox pattern, Berks County Floral, I think it is called.  I started in at the 2011 ATHA biennial. And once again, much more muted in person, especially the dark background.

Can you believe I've already sewn the binding on my Magdalena style rug?  I hooked it for the dining room table, but I'm not sure if that's where it will end up.

Bound in wool to match the last row of hooking.  I really do love this rug!  Only one rug left to bind.  I'm on a roll here, but don't have anything on the frame at the moment.  That needs to change soon!

A few pictures from around the yard.  I'd say that's one well fed robin.

$5 begonia from Home Depot . . .

. . . and my $5 geranium.  Notice all the missing flower heads?  It has to be deer eating them.  

I think I paid $3 for this tricycle at a resale shop a few years ago and got a .50 basket from Goodwill.  

The foxglove are not doing too good this year.

Coreopsis . . .

The hydrangea are starting to bloom and are just loaded with buds.

I still have not heard from two of the winners in my 4 year anniversary give-away.  I will be picking new winners if I don't hear from you before my next post.  

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Your horse rug looks really nice above your bed. My goodness, I'd say you are definitely on a roll. Look at all the finished rugs. I love where you placed your Magdalena rug. I think that it compliments the toys in the wagon. The colors seems to fit together. Great job on binding that rug.

    Wow, that's cheap for a begonia that size... so annoying to have a deer eating your geranium blooms.
    All your flowers are so beautiful. One of the thing that I love about gardening is the reward of new blooms after all that hard work. They are short lived but with a variety, there is always some nice surprises.

    I wonder why people bother to enter a give away if they don't check if they have won. I would love to win a spoon even though I have allergies to nickel in metal, I'd use a small nickel free chain on it. he,he. I keep hoping that I would win one.

  2. I remember that furniture I still have parts of my first bedroom set. I love your rugs so beautiful. I do want to know how you put wool or tape on to bind it after it is hooked.
    we had a deer walk through the yard tonight first on in years I hope they don't start eating my plants.

  3. The rug looks great in front of the teddy bear wagon !

  4. You're getting a lot finished. Good for you. Your pieces are super nice!

  5. Love the rug with the teddy `s in the wagon, so cute.......Beautiful flowers, love that Foxglove, lost mine this past winter.....Blessings Francine..

  6. Hi Lauren,
    I can't believe it took you so long to get that rug hung above your bed! I bet it looks gorgeous there! The binding fairy must be hanging out at your place! LOL! It's such a good feeling to get them completely done! Then it's the label... which I am still very lax at getting them sewn on!

    I love the Magdalena rug in front of that wonderful wooden wagon!

    Your plants are so beautiful... love that little trike with the basket! Very clever idea!

    Hope you have a good week at work... the weather is supposed to be pretty nice this week... finally!!
    Cathy G

  7. Lauren,

    I take forever on something too... I always love seeing your rugs. I have one I started over a year ago, I so want to give this a better try :)... love that wagon, though, oh my! Hugs! OLM

  8. The rugs look beautiful in your home and I love how you bind them, really nice finished look.


  9. Hey ET....long time no talky. So, so, sorry. Does it count that I think of you of so often?? Coming back is like a breath of heaven....and ahhh...all your glorious rugs....but tell me it ain't've become a finishing queen???! Love the rug above your bed....and that Berk's County floral - I remember when you started that and I loved it them. But....I think my new fave is that cat and mouse one you did. Oh...does that have ME written all over it! LOVE!! Looks like spring/summer is leaps and bounds ahead of us in your parts....My peonies haven't even bloomed yet....Holy smokes. Hope all is well Girlfriend....wishing you a wonderful new week ahead. Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  10. Only one unbound rug? I'm impressed, Lauren!! Good job!! Those deer are driving me buggy ~ now I have deer repellent to spray ~ they love things just before they bloom ~ must be tender!! Nice rugs and flowers!!

  11. I love your horse rug! That's on my list to hook too! All your hooked rugs found the perfect spot in your home... and your gardens are looking great! Deer, rabbit and squirrel are the reason why I barely planted anything this year.... the past couple of years my gardens have been an expensive gourmet salad bar for the neighborhood wildlife... :-(

  12. You are on a roll.. wish I could say the same. Your rugs are lovely and I like the wool binding. I usually use cotton ticking but think I'll try wool on the next one.

    Your flowers could be interpreted into a beautiful rug..

  13. Your rugs look beautiful ! Pretty colors & using wool to bind it, looked so nice ! Your flowers look great & Love the trike with neat basket & flowers !

  14. I also have two trikes in my yard but yours looks nicer with the basket of flowers on it. Perhaps I'll need to do that to mine.

    The wool binding works really well and I have used that process a couple times. Sure puts a nice finish on the back. Also LOVE your horses over the bed.

    I too have a rugless frame and I feel like a fish out of water. That has to change real soon.


  15. They all look great. I am very impressed with your roll on the binding work :) The horse rug is stunning and it looks perfect.

  16. Your rugs are fantastic. I love how nice they look and I keep remembering that I need to bind before I get to many in a pile or I will never bind them.
    Have a great Monday!

  17. I'm so jealous, get so much hooking done. I LOVE your horse rug and the Berks County Floral is wonderful - love the colors you have chosen and the background is fabulous....sigh. I just want to sit all day and hook rugs, but life regularly gets in the way...guess I'll just have to get faster!

    Thanks for sharing your great pix!

  18. WooHoo - You're on a roll with finishing your rug projects - that feels SO good! Can't wait to see what you work on next!

  19. Wonderful rugs!...and your flowers are gorgeous! I am working like crazy to get my lion rug done so I can hang it over my bed. Life gets in the way and it gets put down for days at a time...such is life. I always whip my edges but am tempted to try a wool backing...your Madalena rug is fabulous! Love the trike!
    Have a great week,

  20. That tri-cycle is adorable. Love the garden!


  21. Hi Lauren, so many beautiful rugs! I'm so happy to see that you have found a place to display them.
    I so love hydrangeas!
    Thanks so much for sharing!
    xo Louise

  22. Lauren,
    Your rugs and flowers are all wonderful. Thank you for showing us. Love that little tricycle with the basket! You are certainly on a roll getting your rugs bound and on display. Did you start a new rug yet? I am wanting to but don't have time just yet. Have a great day.
    Hugs, Lori


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)