Sunday, May 26, 2013

It's Been a While ~

It's been a while, but yesterday I put on my "big girl pants" and went up in this with my DSO. (Remember, he built this!)  Now this airplane is little.  Cozy you might say.  The engine is about the same size as the engine on his motorcycle.  (Does the phrase "the difference between men and boys . . . come to mind?)  

Even though small, there are quite a few instruments, gizmos and gadgets. 

The fields are a wonderful patchwork from the air.

Our destination is that little clearing of land next to the Muskingum River - apply named Riverside Airport - in Zanesville, Ohio.

It is such a small world.  After landing, a gentleman asked if we flew down from Lorain to which we replied "yes".  (DSO was wearing a shirt that had Lorain on it.)  He said that he was originally from Lorain and lived on King Ave. Wait a minute!  I live on King Avenue, a street only 3 blocks long.  Years ago when I was looking for a house in this area, I actually looked at the house he had owned.  When he told me his name I realized that I knew his niece.  That is just too much coincidence.  What is it they say about only six degrees of separation?

* * *
Just a few pictures around the yard.  Thankfully we have not gotten a frost, but it has not been far from it the last few nights.

LOVE this iris

I still haven't picked a winner for the rug pattern. Soon . . . I promise.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. You are a brave girl, Lauren, you really pulled up your big girl panties, yikes.......Love the flowers, the Clematis is beautiful, I lost mine last winter, boo hoo......ahh, shucks, just pick me, tee hee....Enjoy Memorial Day, Hugs Francine.

  2. Oh, dear me Lauren, you know how impressed I am with all of your rug hooking but you just amaze me with your nerves of steel to go flying in that little teeny plane and clear to Zanesville no less. I would have had to change my big girl pants to say the least!
    I love your flowers and I need anothe one of Bought one years ago and haven't seen anymore.
    Have a good week.

  3. Oh dear me, Lauren, it would have taken me more than my big girl panties to get me in that tiny plane. I think that I would have needed something with more persuading power. You are one brave gutsy woman.

    Amazing how small the world is after all. Fancy the chance of meeting someone who has lived on the same street as you and you know his niece to booth.

    I love your clematis , Irises and and trilliums I think.

    You deserve to settle your nerves with some hooking after this airplane ride. The bigger strips the better. I think that I would be shaking too much for a narrow cut, he,he.

    I hope that your weather will be nice for tomorrow's Memorial Day Events.


  4. That sounds so exciting and fun.
    Your flowers are lovely as always. We are freezing here snow in the north. and Rain so much rain. Have a great week.

  5. Beautiful vistas, preferably viewed from a photo! That cream colored iris is gorgeous.

  6. I can't even imagine getting into a plane that small, but it looks like it was a wonderful trip filled with beautiful scenery. We had frost last night here - I'm wondering if it will ever warm up!!

  7. You my dear are a brave women! I am very impressed that your DSO built that plane. It is so cold here in Maine, last week all it did was rain. I fear we will have no spring this year. Your flowers are taking hold nicely, my flower gardens are so behind, I pray for sunshine...Is it to late to enter your giveaway? If not please enter me, but if so, I'll try next time. Hugs from Maine, Julie.

  8. are a brave, brave soul!!! I cant' even get on a commercial jet!! The plane is beautiful!! Love the flowers!

  9. I know it would be fun to fly in such a small plane, but my chicken half would never let me! You are braver than I! Your flowers are beautiful, Lauren.

  10. I know it would be fun to fly in such a small plane, but my chicken half would never let me! You are braver than I! Your flowers are beautiful, Lauren.

  11. Well, aren't you the brave, fun loving little hooker! I would have had to have my big girl panties on and a couple of martinis before I jumped in. But I bet it was so much fun. I guess the first time would be the scariest, then just fun.

  12. My, my your are brave! Airplanes and me don't mix...last time I was on one it involved oxygen masks, dropping twenty thousand feet and making an emergency landing! That was decades ago!
    Your garden is lovely...I love Clematis!
    Have a wonderful Memorial Day, my friend,

  13. Little planes scare me so I doubt I'd be brave enough to take the ride, but good for you! Such a fabulous view!

  14. Small world isn't it? I'm not fond of puddle jumpers, let alone something smaller. Good for you "big girl".


  15. A plane ride, how cool is that?! Gorgeous flowers!


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