Sunday, April 21, 2013

Amish Country Wool Artisans Hook In ~

Yesterday was a great day to spend hooking. (Actually, any day is.)  Though the sun was shining, it was a cold day in Ohio.  A few flurries were encountered on the way to Millersburg, Ohio, in the heart of Ohio's Amish country for a hook-in.  Probably more time was spent conversing than hooking, but it was good to spend time with old hooker friends ~ and new ones, too.
So much talent was on display.  {The color on a few of the rugs is very washed out due to the sunlight streaming in.}  I hope you enjoy the show as much as I did.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Wow, that a lot of lovely rugs. I love that big black one with the red B at the bottom.
    Thanks for sharing the pictures. I'm glad that you had so much fun.

  2. beautiful rugs! i love them all.i've got to learn to hook. Denise

  3. some amazing rugs! So fun to get together with other hookers. the sun was shining here but it cool and breezy.
    we are going to get more freezing rain and sleet on tue this weather is so crazy.

  4. All of the rugs are just beautiful.... lots of talent out there!

  5. Oh gosh Lauren what pretty rugs!! I think it must be so awesome to be in a room like that with so much talent.
    Someday... Until keep sharing, I just love your photos.

  6. So many wonderful designs. I bet you came home with 50 future rugs in your head.

  7. Wow!!! so many beautiful rugs....the designs are amazing...and the colors.......such talented gals.....thanks for sharing, Francine.

  8. Enjoyed seeing you yesterday at the hook-in. Hope to see you again at our WRRH hook-in next month. Donna

  9. Wow each one is amazing on it's own but together is just breathtaking. The styles are so different and the talent of the hookers is awe inspiring.

  10. So many beautiful pieces, enjoyed seeing them. I bet it was a fun time!

  11. Oh but that was fun. I loved the Abe Lincoln one with log cabin and have been wanting to hook that for sometime now. Thanks for sharing.


  12. How beautiful...all the little detail just amazes me on some of them.
    Glad you had good friendship as well as fun hooking.

  13. Wonderful rugs! Each one is beautifully unique.

  14. OHGosh - so many great rugs - what a huge display of finishes. Nice that you've had so many events to attend lately. I'm thrilled I have a guild retreat coming up this weekend YIPPEE - have a great week ! mel

  15. So good to see you again Lauren! Looking forward to Kingwood and hope you will be there too. I still need to get a necklace from you. :)

  16. Good evening Lauren, one of these days I am going to attend a hook-in, I'm sure it is a lot of fun. What beautiful rugs, such a source of inspiration and ideas. I hope spring has found you, it is still chilly here in Maine...Greetings, Julie.

  17. What wonderful eye candy. I was hoping to get to the hook-in in Ann Arbor this weekend, but some family commitments came up (it's always the way). I'm sure that you come away from those with such a feeling of inspiration!!

  18. OH I would have been in heaven. I had my eye on that beautiful spotted horse with all the earth tone colors ... yes I would have bought it !

  19. Oh thank you for taking all these photos and then taking the time to share them. I love enjoying a rug show with my morning coffee!

  20. Love the rug show!!!
    There were so many beautiful rugs. Such a group of talented hookers.Hugs Cheri

  21. Thank you Lauren for sharing! Beautiful rugs by many talented artists! Enjoy Your Day :) ~My Best, Kimberly

  22. Wonderful rugs...I covet the mustard Santa! Thanks for taking us along...and thanks for helping me "meet" you, my friend.

  23. Thanks for sharing all the beautiful rugs with us. For someone like me who hooks alone, your generosity in sharing is the only way I can see what every one else is doing.
    Oh, and I have been meaning to thank you for the moon cycle on the top of your blog. It's a touch that I look for and know I can get it from you.

  24. Great rug show Lauren - sure wish I could've been there, but thanks for sharing all the photos!

  25. Lauren,
    I've enjoyed your posts on all of your rug hooking adventures and the rugs you've shown. Thanks for sharing. So much eye candy!!
    Hugs, Lori

  26. So many great pieces. The colors and variations are outstanding.

  27. Hi Lauren,
    I so enjoyed seeing all the beautiful rugs!
    And your pugs are the cutest!!
    The pug on your banner looks just like my Tulla did as a pup.
    They are the sweetest dogs!!
    Thank you,
    xo Louise

  28. Do you know how I can get the Santa
    Pattern with the gold border?


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)