Monday, April 15, 2013

Almost Heaven ~

~ West Virginia and hooking.  What could be better?

I spent three days hooking at the Peterkin Conference Center in Romney, West (by God) Virginia at Susan Feller's Retreat into the Mountains.  Three days of hooking, eating (too much of that!) and hooker camaraderie.  Life is G.O.O.D.

Spring is much further along in West Virginia.  Forsythia were blooming everywhere.

The creek alongside the lodge was raging.

Sweet little flowers blanketing the ground.

Daffodils blooming creekside.

I took my first dye class ever.  Susan showing the start of a dip dye.

Braids we dyed using only red, blue and yellow.

The finished wool.  

 Fellow Ohio hooker Shirley contemplating her rug.

A 5' x 7' rug for her dining room.  With that dark background, she's lucky she doesn't have any pets that shed!

Melissa working on her Magdalena runner.

Liz from Virginia working on her Herb Angel.  She was using many alternative fibers and it was just as sweet as could be.  She is a fast hooker and was almost done with her at the end of the retreat.

Beth's rooster.  This was being hooked in either a 3 or 4 cut!

The start of Kathy's Chinese monkey.

Deb working outside her comfort zone with some very bright colors.

Mary hooking on a rug she started MANY years ago.

Randi working on a lighthouse rug.  Note the mess in the background.  

And more mess.  There were piles of wool and worms everywhere. 

Thanks for stopping by.  I have lots more to share!
Pug hugs :)


  1. looks like a fun time was had by all. denise

  2. Looks like so much fun!!!! I really loved that rooster!!

  3. I'm so glad that you had a GOOD time at the hooking retreat and that you tried your hand at dyeing wool. It sounds like you had a lot of fun. You really deserved this time away.

    The dipping and the braiding techniques looks interesting. I've never done either. Thanks for the pictures. I'm looking forward to seeing more.

    The blooms are such a gift at this time of year. We had our very first day of spring today and I worked cleaning windows upstairs.

    Have a nice week.

  4. sounds like so much fun and so much talent.

  5. Oh my goodness!! I spent my early childhood years near Romney, WV in Levels and Slanesville. My Grandfather lives in Slanesville. I will have to check out the retreat details. How cool. Great pictures of all the artistic talent.

  6. What a beautiful place for a hook in and a great class.
    Lots of wonderful rugs being made.


  7. Wonderful scenic pics and what a great bunch of rugs in progress!

  8. Beautiful place for a retreat! I'd set up my frame next to the creek! :-) The rooster rug is stunning!

  9. Great pictures of the retreat and the outdoors!! Looks like everyone was having a wonderful time!!

  10. I didn't think it was possible to hook without making a mess. Or at least I'm messy when I hook.

    Glad you had a great time and we always do when we attend a camp, don't we? I'm looking forward to my camp in May.


  11. wow what a fun retreat, I didn't even know there were things such as that. We have an old farmhouse at Mathias, Hardy co. Not too terribly far from Romney, so glad you had such a wonderful time, thank you for sharing the awesome pictures.hugs, Lecia

  12. I do think it looks like heaven. I thought about you all weekend and how it would be to be able to just sit and hook and watch others. It looks like a very pretty place to have a retreat.I am so glad you had such a nice time.

  13. How fun, All the rugs look so good! Hugs Cheri

  14. Nice write up Lauren. I can feel Shirley thinking hard about her rug! It was great to see you at the retreat again this year. Really like the spoon key chains and necklace! One goes as a gift on Thursday. Hope to see you again next year! Beth

  15. Hi Lauren - thanks for stopping by! Here are the details on the casket class: It's a reproduction of a late 16th century box from the ground up - everything had to be reinvented. Mostly stitched by young girls as a sampler. I'm covereing mine in stumpwork and beads. :-) It will take years! Margie

  16. Looks like it was a great time Lauren. My mom is hooking a Susan Feller canvas now. i think it is called Henrich's Flower - very arts & craft-ish. Can't wait to see more of your trip. Cheers Mel

  17. A retreat in WV in the wonderful! Funny about the comment about the dark background and the dog hair....only dog owners think like that!!! Maybe that's why I lean towards busy rugs with LOTS of color!


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