Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Almost Heaven ~ Part two

Thanks for stopping back to see more from the Retreat into the Mountains.  Just before departing on Sunday, we had a throw down to show what progress had been made on rugs.  For the most part, I will let the rugs speak for themselves.

This was being hooked with very fine cuts of wool.  Maybe a 3???

I think this one will glow in the dark :)

This rug was based on a picture drawn by Mary's mom.

The next three pictures are very washed out.  The colors, especially in the first two are very vibrant in person.

My rug heading to camp . . .

. . . and after.  I am pleased with my progress but it doesn't seem like a lot of hooking for three days!  It is not how I envisioned it was going to look (I wanted it much "dirtier"), but so far I'm liking it.  I am going to reverse hook part of that blackish blob from the center and make it smaller.

Thanks for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lots of nice art pieces, fun to see all the different rugs and unique designs.


  2. Very nice display. I enjoyed them all.

  3. Morning Lauren, wow, love to see all the rugs, so beautiful....Blessings Francine.

  4. They are all great. It would be fun to see them all in person - the different styles and techniques. (Someone was hooking an entire rug in 3"

  5. It is always fun to see rug shows even if on someone's blog; thanks for sharing. I also have a tough time trying to get my antique adaptations to look 'dirty'. That is the same thing I'm having problems with on the Red Bird. But you should feel proud of your accomplishment! Looks great.


  6. Nice to see all the different styles. I especially love the rooster. That is on my want to do list. Will be looking forward to seeing your rug finished. Looks great!

  7. I enjoy looking at rugs so much. They are all so pretty. I think your rug looks great and I think you made great progress.

  8. Wonderful rugs! Your Magdalena looks great. How do you ever get the nerve up to dirty up a rug?

  9. lucky lucky you! so much talent such pretty rugs.

  10. Thanks for sharing all the eye candy, never get tired of seeing hooked rugs!!


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