Saturday, March 23, 2013

This 'n That ~

The sun is shining ~ finally ~ in northern Ohio but it is still cold, 37 degrees.  The birds are chirping so maybe there is hope spring will finally arrive.  I read last March was the warmest on record.  I believe we had 80 degree days.  Not so this year.  There was even an article in today's paper that Punxsutawney Phil, the groundhog prognosticator, has been charged with "misrepresenting spring, a felony against the peace and dignity of the state of Ohio".  

Tonight "Pup" will finally be given as a very belated Christmas gift.  The tag is on . . .

. . . so the rug is totally finished.

The hooking is done on "Lamb & Chicks", a Star Rug Company pattern.  I decided to keep the dark curlicues and hook the face, ears and tail with the same wool.  It would be nice if I got it bound before Easter, but Easter is so early this year, it probably won't happen : )

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope the sun is shining in your little corner of the world.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I saw my first robin of the year last week, so I'm hoping that really means something! LOL How nice that you have TWO finishes Lauren - great tag on the gift - I need to be better at adding labels to my rugs AND my quilts. sigh - - -

  2. You have been busy! they are both great.
    we are in the 30's and very breezy that groundhog couldn't be more wrong here.

  3. I really like both rugs!!! I know that Easter is early this year. Too bad we're not having temperatures like last year! I think that's we're even suppose to get some snow tomorrow! UGH!!

  4. Love all of your finishes !! my goodness , it's a lot of hook hook hooking !
    Barely any sun here for us in NW Pa. ....oh so tired of cloudy, snowy days....alas, it is Erie .....

  5. Both rugs turned out beautifully! I really like the label that you made. I need to remember to put one on each rug I make. ~Ann

  6. Hi Lauren, still cool here too but sunny.....Love both your rugs, great hooking.....sweet lamb and chickies.....Spring Blessings Francine.

  7. They both look great Lauren. You still have a week before Easter. You can bind a rug in a week..... (Wink)

  8. Hi Lauren, great job on both rugs, I'm glad that you have got so much done. I need to get back to my hooking and I've been saying that all winter.

    I think that you need to train a friend on how to bind rugs for you in exchange for something,

    Have a great weekend.

  9. Love those precious rugs!!!!
    We had some sun...but warmer weather coming soon.

  10. Both rugs are gorgeous!I too like the label that you added on the back.Have a wonderful weekend.Hugs,Jen

  11. we had bright sun today too.. not sure of the temp your lil mats lauren! the label looks great too! you musta done it on the computer!? enjoy your evening!

  12. Hi, Lauren, the sun was shining here today, too, but tomorrow we have a winter storm warning!!! I have put away the snow shovel, so maybe it will miss us. I'm sure the recipient of the Pup rug will absolutely love it. How do you make your labels! Love your lamb and chick rug too. I did finish the two cats rug I bought from Maria, and need to start a new project, I have become too wrapped up in Manifesto.

  13. Hey Lauren...yep...the sun was shining but it was still as cold as ever Love your rugs...Lucky person who is getting the pup's adorable! I like the way you have your sweet! The colors are reallly nice..

  14. Beautiful work! This week just crocheting dog sweaters ...was going to be ONE litttle dog sweater then it got a little funny and turned in to this weeks post ... Now its dog sweaters (plural) since the Brr is still here and all the dogs are demanding what was initially just for Gabby. Don't let the pugs hear tell of dog sweater week. ;)

  15. Just beautiful. It was 80 degrees last year? I remember how warm it was then. I really do enjoy looking at your rugs. Your loops look perfect. I worked all day yesterday trying to get my loops to look nice and even like you do and I still think my rugs look uneven.
    I just hope it gets to be spring for you soon.
    Have a nice Sunday.

  16. Beautiful rugs and I really like the label.
    No sun here. Sleet and rain with snow expected tonight. Haven't seen any robins yet either.

  17. Lauren when you added Recent Visitors to your sidebar did you add the code they show or just the gadget?

  18. Love the rugs! And, some nice sun here in CA.

  19. Nice label, was it on cloth or paper? And your sheep and chick rug is very nice also. While it might be calendar spring we are having snow here right now and it is chilly.


  20. Wonderful hooking pretty


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