Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tuesday's This 'n That ~

Thank you kindly for all your sweet comments regarding Annie's adoption.  I got an email from Annie's new mom yesterday and it sounds as if they are adjusting well.  Please continue to say a pug prayer and keep your paws crossed that Annie stays on her best behavior . . . lol :)

A few of you commented that I would have another foster soon.  I would love to, but because I have no idea how long it will be before Ellie's mom can go home, I am holding off on getting another foster pug.  Not having a fenced yard, one dog is my limit.  I am happy to report that Ellie's mom did not have another stroke, but unfortunately has C Diff which is a very nasty bacteria, most likely contracted from her previous hospital stay or while at the nursing home.  Please keep her in your prayers.

It feels so good to finally have my house back together from the holidays.  It just seemed to take forever this year.  I finished the hooking on my belated Christmas present.  I will share the finish when the binding is on and I promise it will be soon.

Have you heard of Folk Magazine?  Laurie Lausen of the Wooly Red Rug will be in an upcoming issue.  If you click here you can get 6 issues for only $10.00.  

Time to pull a few loops.  
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Oh poor Ellie's Mom. She's having such a rough time. But luckily she knows her baby is in good hands. Glad Annie is adjusting to her new family.

  2. That C Difficile is a really bad bacteria to deal with especially with someone with a weakened immunity system. I hope Ellie's mom pulls through. I'm glad that Annie is adjusting well, poor little pug.

    I've been on Blogger too much to pull hoops. I've lost my MOJO.


  3. Best wishes and speedy recovery for Ellie's mom.

  4. The C diff is awful... I think you can get that from too much antibiotics too... I hope she mends quick and can be home and happy again. Good for little Annie! I'm glad she is adjusting to her forever home!

  5. Morning Lauren, so happy Annie is ajecting, will keep her and your friend in my prayers.......Can`t wait to see your rug, Blessings Francine.

  6. hi lauren, well january is at least almost over! i hope it takes the cold weather with it! glad to hear that annie is doing well and sending thoughts and prayers for your friend and all. im glad you know your limits with fostering. it can be a handful im sure! enjoy your day!

  7. Such good news about Annie...may she continue to thrive in her new home.

  8. Yeah Annie!!! Lauren, I have often wondered what happens to puppies in pet shops that don't sell? Does the pet store return them to the breeder? Just curious...It is cold here in Maine, hope you are having a good day and remain flu free!!!Hugs, Julie...

  9. Oh My! I try to keep up with blog reading but did not see Annie had found a home! I am so happy for her but will miss her wonderful pug smile on your blog. : (. I can't tell you how much we love our adopted fur friends. It takes a very special person to foster and you are amazing for doing this! Best of luck to sweet Annie!

  10. I'm keeping my paws crossed that Annie will stay with her family. Sorry to hear about Ellie's mom too. It's scary even going to a doctor's office with all the sick people in there and when you need a hospital you're exposed to even more illness. Hope all goes well an ends well.


  11. I was wondering about Annie. I am glad she is still doing good. I was wondering about your visitor and how she was doing now that she is an only dog.
    I hope you are having a nice week. I look forward to seeing your rug.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)