Saturday, January 12, 2013

Springtime in Ohio ~

What a beautiful day here in northern Ohio.  We were in the low 60's.  Woo hoo!!!  I will take it.  The snow is all melted, but alas, winter is to return in a couple days.  Have you noticed the days are getting longer?  It is still not dark at 5:30.  Those few extra minutes of daylight each day are adding up.

Ellie's mom is now at a nursing home in rehab.  Thankfully it is close to my house so Ellie and I can visit often.  Today when we visited, Ellie showered her with lots of kisses.  It is so good for both of them.  Hopefully she can return home soon.

For the most part, Annie and Ellie are getting along.  They tire each other out playing.  Today I caught them on the couch - almost touching.  That was a first.

For whatever reason the Christmas decorations went up slowly this year and they are coming down the same way.  I don't think it's ever taken me this long.  I have finally hauled all the boxes to the attic and just need to get the trees up there.  Then it's time to put everything out that I put away to decorate.  This would be the perfect time to simplify, but I don't think that word is in my vocabulary . . . sigh.  TMS ~ Too Much Stuff :)

I've made progress on my "Pup" rug.  

Here's the wool used for the pup.  Of course, it is much darker in person.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi the rug!! I was just telling my hubby that the days seem be a little long...hope to see you in February!

  2. Lauren, it seems like every day I find some other little holiday knick knack that should have been packed up. Today I dried my hands with a Santa hand towel!

  3. I enjoy having a few days of warmer temps, but it is raining, so no fun.
    Love the new piece, I have used checks for animals, great for texture.


  4. A bit warmer here too...but colder temperatures are headed our way by mid week. I am happy to hear your friend is making progress, how nice to be able to take Ellie for a visit. Love the picture of both girls on the couch, they appear to be getting along. Your hooking is coming along nicely! Hugs, Julie.

  5. Very nice plaid on the pup. I wanted to transplant shrubs today! I know it won't lasts but I sure am enjoying it. Glad to see the pups are co-existing a little better and your friend is making progress. How nice that they can visit.

  6. 60's....ahhh...sigh. We had a spurt of warmth too - mid to high 30's (hence the frosty trees in my post), but at this very moment are sitting at a balmy 0 degrees...and dropping. Brrrr..... Christmas tree is still in the living room, but it's, once again, nekked. No progress to report other than the few things I hauled down in my laundry basket as I changed out the loads.... Why do I do this???

    Happy Sunday GF....lovin' your hooking progress. I did sneak a few stitches in, but don't tell anyone.... ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  7. Love the rug Lauren. Our temps were in the low 50's. All our snow melted in Northern Michigan. Hope you stay warm over the next couple of days. Maria

  8. love the rug! it's pure summer time in Fl. denise

  9. Aw it is all cute!!!!
    We had 60's!
    I was outside most of the day.

  10. You are so good to give Ellie a home. The doggies look like they could be pretty happy together!!

  11. Love you rug! Warm weather is nice but, the mud and Golden Retrievers. What a relief for your friend to have someone taking care of her dog. That's got to help her get better quicker! Have a great day!

  12. So glad your friend is doing better and the dogs are getting along better. Love your dog rug. I would rather have all the cold and get it over. I don't like the mud, I am with Julie I have to labs .

  13. Wow!!!! lucky to enjoy the nice that Ellie gets to visit her Mama, cute picture of the two on the the hug your working on...great colors......Blessings Francine.

  14. You realy have made progress. I love the plaid wools. If only people could learn to get along like animals do!
    Have a good week, although probably a cold one.

  15. Yes, you have made GREAT progress on your pup rug. Then the un-fun task of binding. Oh man I wish I could afford to hire someone to bind mine for me.


  16. How nice that Ellie and Annie have become almost-buddies...and that Ellie's mom is on the mend.

  17. Hi, Carmen, It was in the 60;s here yesterday, but the temps dropped today, but at least it is rain, not snow. I had my big snow and got sick of it real quick...don't want anymore, don't need any more pictures. It hung around so long and the big gravel driveway area was a sheet of ice. Your new rug is great, I love that wool. Happy the doggies are getting along. Ellie's mom will heal much quicker, I'm sure, knowing that her baby is in good hands.



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