Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Word of Advice ~ ~ ~

NEVER go to the phone book and pick a plumber ~ especially one with "affordable" in the name.  Oh, did I learn the hard way.  Less than two months ago I was having a drain problem in the basement.  The plumber I called kept telling me all the things I probably should have done since my plumbing is 70+ years old ~ a new clean out, a new line running from the house to the street, etc.  I just had him clean the line - or so I thought - to the tune of $400+.    He told me what he did may last a month or perhaps six, but I really ought to consider what he suggested.  Today I went to the basement to do a load of laundry, only to be greeted with a flooded basement.  Thankfully nothing major was ruined, but nonetheless a huge mess.  Today's plumber was recommended and said it was tree roots plugging the line (we had heavy rains overnight) and I did not need a new clean out, new line etc. And guess what?  He said it's obvious that the previous plumber did not do what he claimed to do.  So a good part of the day was spent cleaning up and then disinfecting everything with bleach.  ARGH!
* * *
On a happier note, I do have a little progress to share on Lydia Broome.

I am still working on putting my house back together.  Obviously, I did not get done today what I had planned.  Seems to be the story of my life . . . lol!
Thanks for stopping by.

Pug hugs :)


  1. Oh no! What a mess. We had the hot water heater die last week and a few days before that the pipe under the kitchen sink leaked all over everything. Luckily we have a plumber in the family.
    I hope this is the end of your plumbing problems. Not a great way to start the new year.

  2. they have little cameras that can put down there now to see what the issue is.
    so sorry you had a bad plumber.
    love your sampler.

  3. Chalk it up to an expensive lesson learned. Unfortunately the world is full of dishonest people trying to make a quick buck. Hope your problem is resolved quickly. Love the sampler, it is coming along very nicely. Blessings, Julie.

  4. Beautiful start to your sampler!! Sorry to hear you had a bad plumber & a flooded basement.

    Hope you have a good week~Becky

  5. Oh, Lauren ~ that is not a happy story!! We have a house that we have a roto rooter type guy clean the outside lines twice a year as a preventative ~ because we don't want to put in new lines. You might try that. Love your stitchery!

  6. We had that problem with outside pipes. The guy charged a fortune and his gas powered super duper rotary cutting blade failed to correct the problem. My husband made a homemade manual hickey doodle and cleaned the roots himself. At least you won't have that problem again.

  7. Oh Lauren, that is really to bad, shucks, just not right......Hope the week is good to you, Blessings Francine.

  8. There is nothing worse that water where it should not be but water in the winter is just the worst. I have done the same thing, I had a plumber come out like that, I was desperate, the upstairs shower wouldn't turn off, The first thing was they charged me a 100 dollars extra because I wouldn't let them keep my charge card on file. Then I was running around turning water off and on and then the guy left and my son went to turn on the water for a shower and the handle was in his hand. Not fixed. Needless to say, I felt the same way.
    Your counted cross stitch looks great! I hope you have a very nice week. :)

  9. Oh UGH! Lauren! Plumbering problems are the worst! We had a tree root problem in our old house... had to runa whole new line fromt eh house to the fun at all! So glad it worked out! OLM

  10. HI Lauren - What a horrible experience you've had! Hope it gets resolved soon, and you never have to deal with it again! I tried to respond to the comment you left on my blog, but the email came back undelivereable - wonder why? Hmmm....

  11. So very sorry Lauren! Hate it when we have plumbing issues.Lovely stitching.Hugs,Jen

  12. You poor thing!Love your sampler though, Hugs Cheri

  13. ooooohhh... it really burns me up when folks charge so much and then don't do what they're supposed to! I would report them to the BBB!

    You're Lydia Bloome is looking beautiful!

  14. I sympathize...I've been having plumbing repair issues, too. No fun!


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