Friday, January 18, 2013

A Not so Little Snafu ~

I've been making progress on Lydia Broome, stitching a little every day.  I had to do a little frogging, but nothing major.  Isn't that the term stitchers when they remove stitches?  I wonder why it's called that.  Hookers call it reverse hooking.  Anyway . . . today I discovered a major snafu.  I had started stitching with the required 3021 but after stitching in the upper left, I grabbed 3787 and have stitched with that.  I did not notice until today when I grabbed both skeins and wondered what was going on.  With the skeins side by side, the difference is quite noticeable.  

The difference is very subtle when stitched.  Had I not grabbed both skeins I may never have noticed . . . sigh.  There is no way I am changing it and I'm hoping with a little staining after completion no one will ever notice.  Heck, I never noticed!

I only have the tail left to stitch, but the tail goes all the way up the right side and then over to the left so there's lots of stitchin' left to do.

BTW . . . do you know what the acronym snafu stands for?  You can find out here.
* * * 
Please keep Ellie's mom in your prayers.  When we went to visit this evening I was told she was taken to the hospital.  A bit ago, I received a call that she has had another stroke.  
* * * 
I hope your weekend is off to a great start.  Mine is three days!  Gotta love those government holidays!
Thanks for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I think that what you've stitched is fine. Actually, if my computer screen colors are correct, I think that is looks perfect actually. There is so little difference.

    Prayer's for Ellie's mom! I hope that everything will be okay.

  2. They call it "frogging" because you have to rip it, rip it! :)

  3. Lydia is lovely. I think I read once that they call it frogging cause you out stitches...and it kinda sounds like the noise frogs make....ribbit....ribbit...ribbit???
    Have a good weekend,

  4. I think your Sampler is looking beautiful and I can't see a difference in the pics....
    Poor Ellie's Mom....I'll remember her in prayer.

  5. I tried taking out stitches, way too hard, lol.
    I like how it looks, it will give it a more aged appearance with the lighter colors in one area.


  6. Enening Lauren, I also think your sampler is beautiful.......Will keep Ellies Mom in my oprayers, that is so terrible......Blessings Francine.

  7. Your snafu is not noticeable.... the sample looks lovely.
    So sorry for Ellie's mom. Another stroke, doesn't sound very good. I'll keep her in my prayers.

    Take care and enjoy your three days off.

  8. I never knew why they called it frogging either, but rip it, rip it makes sense. And makes me smile. It looks great and nobody will notice the shade difference. It's so subtle.
    So sorry to hear Ellie's Mom had a setback. We will send up a prayer or her.

  9. Hi, Lauren,
    I think the difference in floss colors just adds realism to your sampler, like you are using what you have. I often change a little on purpose! And Marsha of Scarlet Letter always says not to rip out unless absolutely necessary, as it weakens the linen and you might accidentally make a hole! So sorry to hear about Ellie's mom.

  10. don't hardly see the difference. sorry to hear about Ellie's mom. denise

  11. I never would have noticed the different color but hey, it will add to the charm of the piece and give it that olden look.

    Oh dear, so sorry to hear about Ellie's mom.


  12. I think the slight variation in color adds to the authenticity of your stitching! Really! Many antique samplers have many subtle floss color changes... and that's what makes them beautiful!

    Prayers for Ellie's Mom...

  13. Hi Lauren~

    Love the sampler so far. I think after you stain the finished piece, you won't be able to tell there are 2 different colors in it. Sorry to hear about Ellie's Mom...saying a prayer for her.

    Enjoy your weekend~Becky

  14. How in the world do you see those tiny little stitches, do you use a magnifying glass? The sampler is going to be just wonderful, I don't think the mix up of thread color will make much difference, only adds to it's uniqueness. I am sorry to hear about your friend, but Ellie is in good loving hands. Blessings, Julie.

  15. I think the color change is subtle enough to just add a little interest. I agree with you and wouldn't change it. So sorry to hear about your friend. Hopefully it is a minor stroke and they took her as a precaution.

  16. I like the subtle difference. It makes it look older. Hugs Cheri

  17. Well I think you stitching looks great and I couldn't notice. I am so sorry for your poor friend, I will be praying for her. Have a lovely day off.


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