Monday, November 19, 2012

Talkin' Turkey ~

So many bloggers are decorating for Christmas.  Geez, it was just last week I got out my turkeys!

These are vintage candy containers from the Fanny Farmer Candy Company.

Turkey candles . . .

Vintage papier mache turkeys, some of them candy containers, some marked Germany.

It wouldn't be Thanksgiving if I didn't display ceramics my dear mom painted.  This was one of her favorite pieces ~ mine, too :)

Only one more day of work this week.  I took a vacation day on Wednesday and have to be at the airport at 6:35 am to pick up my older son and his girlfriend.  It will be wonderful to have him home!!!  I will spend a good part of the day baking pumpkin roll.  My son and my niece (who always comes from Chicago for the holiday) would mutiny if they didn't have pumpkin roll ~ and at least one to take home with them!

Thanks so much for stopping.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Love your turkeys Lauren.

    Enjoy your Thanksgiving.


  2. Lauren, what a wonderful collection of turkeys! How wonderful for you to have company/family coming for Thanksgiving. Please take a photo of your pumpkin roll and share it with us. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Julie.

  3. your collection is wonderful I have one santa up because I just bought it last weekend that is it. I am feeling very disorganized.
    Sounds like a wonderful thanksgiving at your house.

  4. What a great turkey collection. The only one I have is edible. Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Love all your turkeys, Lauren! My mom painted ceramics too...Annie has a cat in her bedroom that she painted in the 70' sweet!
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!

  6. love your turkeys! christmas can wait till friday.but i do have christmas soap dispensrs out.hey,i needed soap. enjoy your holiday! denise

  7. Love your turkeys! I have a few older ones and a few I leave out all year.I know it wouldn't be thanksgiving at grandma's without the appearance of the gurley's I can remeber as a child playing with them while waiting for dinner to be served.Happy Thanksgiving Lauren!~Amy

  8. Lauren,
    Thanks for sharing your Thanksgiving's one of my favorite holidays and it makes me sad that it always kind of gets left behind in the dust :(

  9. Lauren,
    It will be so nice to have your other son around for the holiday. That will make it extra special for sure.
    Woo, that is a lot of turkeys! Enjoy your holiday and dig out the stretchy pants

  10. You have a great collection of turkeys!! I love them all....
    Wishing you and your family a happy Thanksgiving... :)

  11. I love your turkeys! I have a collection which I add to each year and they are all still out and will be till the first day of December. I refuse to decorate for Christmas till then.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. What a lovely collection of turkeys!!! I would want to get them out in October they are so nice. I just have a couple.
    I love the old kind that were candy containers. I need to see if I can talk my sister out of the ones my Mom had. :)
    Have a lovely time with all of your family. I hope a wonderful Thanksgiving too.

  13. I LOVE the turkeys! I know about the decorating, the misters says to me this morning, "so how about putting away this autumn stuff and I'll start bring up Christmas boxes?" Whhhaaat??

  14. oh my Lauren a most wonderful collections of turkeys! enjoy! and have a most wonderful thanksgiving! OLM

  15. I love your turkey collection, especially the one your mom made. She did a great job painting it.
    What a shame that they rush the Christmas season. I Your turkeys deserve to be on display a bit longer. Hope that you'll have a wonderful time with your family at Thanksgiving.


  16. Happy Thanskgiving Lauren...your turkeys are a hoot...

  17. No wonder you're 'talkin' turkey..... you have been invaded by turkeys. You've got quite a collection there and it looks cute; now after tomorrow you'll have to pull out your Santa's.

    Happy Thanksgiving.


  18. What a grand bunch of turkey treasures. Happy Thanksgiving!

  19. Those gobblers are wonderful Lauren! What a great collection! So nice to have a remembrance of your Mom's love for the Holiday too! Hope you have a fun time with your son and family..... and the pumpkin roll is enjoyed to the fullest!!
    Best wishes for a blessed and happy Thanksgiving!
    Cathy G


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