Saturday, November 17, 2012

Shades of November ~

It was a beautiful day here on Ohio's north coast.  My son came and blew my leaves to the tree lawn in anticipation of leaf pick up this coming week.  The problem is my darn maple trees still have half their leaves.

A few pics from around the yard.

I was dog sitting for a few hours today.  This is Ellen, or Miss Ellie as I call her.  She is a rescue belonging to dear friend Judy.  Grandson Jake took this picture and informed me I could put it on my blog!

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren, I'm playing catch up with your blog this evening.

    That is a nice pile of leaves and I was wondering if Miss Ellie would love jumping in them.

    All our trees are bare by now and I'm just finishing up with cleaning debris from my flower beds. I still have one and a half rather large beds to clean up but it's getting too cold for weeding today. The ground was frozen in the shaded garden so I just cut the dead stems and gathered up the dead foliage from my Hostas.

    I think that the weeding will have to wait till the spring.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. Hi Lauren, looks good the yard, funny to see leaves , just snow here......Love the rescue, so pretty, Blessings Francine.

  3. The post hurricane sandy winds took care of any leaves we had left. Nothing but bare branches here.

  4. We have two maples that hold on until late in November, along with the oak tree. I usually jump up and down with the rake smacking the limbs to knock off the leaves. Between that and the woodpecker, the neighbors think I have issues.

  5. Hi, Lauren,
    I remember the good ole days when we lived in town and could just blow the leaves to the curb! I'm still working on putting my garden to bed, almost done... Cute pup, looks like a perfect little package!


  6. I love That jake wanted to contribute to your blog!! What a great kid!!! Also love your fading garden pix~ November came all too fast!!!

  7. Cute pup and she looks like she was posing for Jake. My yard has similar shades of November. Happy Thanksgiving.


  8. Lauren, I have dropped of the end of the earth I think, I am caught up on your blog. my yard is still in need of some raking but if I don't get to it so be it.
    it is cute Jake said you could use his picture.
    enjoy your thanksgiving.

  9. It looks very nice around your house and I am glad you put that picture on your blog of your visiting dog. That is so cute.
    Have a nice week.


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