Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Busy, Busy ~

Vermilion, Ohio, is celebrating their 175th anniversary.  Driving to hooking last evening, I spotted these downtown and had to stop and take a look.  They had maybe a half dozen of them in a big circle and I was told they were part of the "birthday cake".  They were really neat.  The bottom of a wine bottle was cut off and was sitting on a pole maybe four feet high.  The bottle was filled with little white lights.  I bet they look cool at night.  The top was a very heavy gauge wire with beads attached.  I may just have to drive back when it's dark to take another look.

Katie of Kid'l de Divey Woolens must have been out soliciting hookers last night, because there was a full house at the Chairmaker & Friends.  Many of the "ladies" were trying their hand making pumpkins with hand torn strips.

I had a house guest last night.  Meet Wilma, an Ohio Pug Rescue pug.  She was adopted a couple years ago and her furever mom was having surgery today.  I kept her for the night and this evening delivered her to her former foster mom who will pug sit while mom is recuperating and going through rehab.  (If you looked up the word "ugly" in the dictionary, you would find a picture of my kitchen floor . . . lol!)

I've previously introduced you to Sam the work cat, our resident mouser.  Well, up until today, I have not seen one of those little four legged creatures or any signs of them.  (Thank you, God!)  Well, early this morning, I am in talking with the boss and another co-worker mentions that Sam has a mouse.  Who was it that hated "meeces to pieces"?  Was it Tom and Jerry?  Well, it's me, too.  I won't go in to details, but the mouse soon left the building!!!  Not a good way to start the day.

I thought I had made some real progress on my What Nots rug, but after having taken a picture, I am mighty disappointed!  Just that little bit to the right.  I think I may put aside for a while (AGAIN) and work on Cathy G's (Red House Wool Studio) sunflower rug.

Here are more rugs from the Sauder Village rug show.  Because of the lighting in the room (and a lack of photographic skills), some of the rugs appear very washed out.  Sorry :(

LOVE the Kinderhook flower basket.  I want to hook this . . . some day . . . sigh.

Thanks for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren, it's never good when your work day starts with a dead body. Thanks for the rug show. I bet those wine bottles look great at night.

  2. Very cool idea and love the prim rugs. Wish I was closer so I could join the fum.
    Love your pugs and I love cats too.
    Have a great evening

  3. Hi Lauren, that is a really neat idea putting lights in the bottle, must look pretty at night. Love the rugs, so much talented gals. Wilma is so sweet and Sam is one handsome boy, love that color of grey. Also like your rug, really neat design,Happy Hooking,Francine.

  4. I love the lights I would love to see them at night. you are so lucky that you have a group to go to.
    I am loving the saunders rugs.
    mouse thing I hate it the worst part of having a cat.

  5. Very pretty, I like that rug that you put down, why don't you like it?
    Your pugs are so sweet and I have a cat that looks like that gray one.
    Have a wonderful evening. I loved those bottles.
    You always find such fun things.

  6. How cool would the bottle with lights be! I think your rug is looking really good.

  7. Love the wine lights! The mister has been experimenting on cutting wine bottles ~ I have to show him your picture! Also need to drive to Vermillion at night!

  8. How cool is that. Love it.
    And the sweetie pies. Love the sweet Foster Furry moms what big hearts they have.
    So enjoyed are the woolie eye candy too.
    Just beautiful.

  9. love the wine lights! what a neat idea. just love the"hookers" and their pumpkins! denise

  10. The wine bottle lights are so cool! I'd love to have a bottle tree in my outside decor, one of these lights would be acceptable too. Wish I lived closer so I could attend your hooking evening. Someday....~Ann

  11. The bottle lights are wonderful...must be magic all lit up at night! Your rug looks the colors you've used.

  12. Yes I bet they are so pretty at night.Your rug looks good to me but sometimes it's better to walk away and go back if it's frustrating you.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  13. Very interesting looking piece of art there in the bottle.
    Oh I love your little mouser his coloring - so pretty...kind of a 'mouse'
    Beautiful rugs!!! Lauren, how in the world do you 'tear wool'?? Seriously - I've never tried it but the technique sounds interesting for the Pumpkin rug. Care to share.

  14. Hi Lauren,
    Have loved seeing all of your Sauder pictures.
    Boy am I amazed at the talent.
    I just finished Kathy's sunflower rug and guess what.....I am going to make a blog post!
    It's been awhile!
    Are you going to Quailcrest? Look for me, I'll have a hat on!

  15. Sam is so handsome...and apparently a very good mouser!

  16. I love the Sauder pictures. One of these days I'll get down there. I need to pick up my rug hooking again!!

  17. More gorgeous Loving all the florals. That wine bottle thing is so cool. I have an ample supply of empty bottles (don't ask), if I could only figure out how to cut the bottoms off, I'd be good to go.... Awww....Sam is adorable....hope you didn't take his plaything away from him. ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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