Monday, July 30, 2012

Rug Show {part one}

We were asked to bring rugs for the Heavens to Betsy rug camp rug show.  We could bring as many rugs as we wished, and for each rug, we received a chance to win prizes.  {I was the lucky recipient of a $10.00 Heavens to Betsy gift certificate.}  Twenty four hookers brought a total of 100 rugs.  I have many, many to share with you.

LOVE the braided edge!

Thanks so much for stopping by.  I have MANY more rugs to share.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hello Lauren, oh what a wonderful rug show, so many talented hookers. So many I would want, thanks, very enjoyable,Francine.

  2. Whoa! I'm drooling here! What a bunch of gorgeous rugs! Thanks so much for all the great pictures Lauren!

  3. So much eye candy here. I love the crow and the pumpking hooked on wool. but there isn't a bad one in the bunch.
    Can't wait to see more.

  4. Wonderful rugs and congrats on the win, I bet you will get some wonderful wool with it.


  5. Wow! Lauren, Thanks so much for getting so many photos of all the wonderful rugs! Must have been so great to see them all in person! Congrats on winning..... so much gorgeous wool to pick from at HTB! Have Fun!!!
    Cathy G

  6. Thanks for the photos ~ some really different rugs than we usually see! Underneath the rugs, I spied some of those beautiful woven wool rugs from Shaker Village! Don't you just love those?

  7. Thanks Lauren, now I have more patterns to add to my "to hook" list! LOL. What a gorgeous gathering of rugs. Thanks for taking the photos and sharing with us. ~Ann

  8. Wow, What wonderful rugs Lauren. Thanks for the Hooked Rug Show, Cheri

  9. Great stuff! Wow...there is a lot of talent out there!
    Thanks for sharing the fun!

  10. LOVE, LOVE the pictures, Lauren! Always enjoy your pix...great rugs from talented hookers. Thanks for sharing your rug camp!!


  11. fabulous! I am looking forward to seeing more, thanks so much for sharing with us.

  12. Oh but I love it when I can see rug shows. Lots of nice hooked pieces there and couldn't pick a favorite if I had to. Thanks and can't wait until the next show.


  13. Wonderful rugs!!! Thanks for sharing!! ~Cammie~

  14. Beautiful rugs. I can imagine they were even more gorgeous in person. I love that braided edge too. Did you learn how to do one at camp? Can you teach us?

  15. What a fun rug show! Perfect accompaniment to my morning coffee. Thanks for taking the time to make the photos, upload the photos, blog the photos, share the photos! Do you happen to know if the rug with the two rabbits facing each other is a commercially available pattern? I can't read the little tag. It's very cute (I love bunnies.) A.

  16. What beautiful rugs! I'll bet you had a fabulous time there.
    As soon as the weather gets cooler I will be getting back to my rug hooking~

  17. Beautiful rugs!! Thanks for sharing.


  18. Wow again! Just amazing! I love the bunny rug....and the crow of course! Thanks, dear Lauren, for taking so many wonderful photos of these gorgeous rugs to share with those of us who "don't get out much." I truly appreciate the time it must have taken on your part - and then to upload and post them all. Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin (PS - Did the hooker on the "Welcome" rug accidentally or intentionally leave out the last "e"???? Beautiful rug, but it leaves me curious....)


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)