Saturday, July 28, 2012

Hand torn worms ~

In my last post you saw some rugs hooked with hand torn worms made by Betsy and some in-progress rugs being hooked by attendees of Betsy's (oh so) wonderful retreat.  I purchased a simple pumpkin pattern at camp thinking I would start it there but did not want to put down my camp rug and give it a try.  Last Saturday was the last day I pulled a loop on my camp rug . . . {sigh}, but I have been working on the pumpkin.  It is rather large, about 16" wide and 14" to the top of the stem.  I pulled many light value wools that I thought looked good together.  Now I'm not so sure about some of them and have already removed one color.  In looking at the picture, I may be removing one or two more. Has anyone ever given a completed rug a dye bath?  What did you use?  I know it's common with punch needle, but I don't recall seeing or reading about any hooked pieces being done.

In my brief experience with hand torn worms, I have already learned that all wool does not tear equally.  I've also found that strips about 1/2" wide are easy to pull through the linen, but some strips that I tore about 3/4" or more were quite difficult, even opening the hole in the linen as much as I could.  

Here's what I have accomplished thus far.

Thanks so much for stopping by!
Pug hugs :)


  1. I think you are doing a wonderful job and love the mixed sizes together.


  2. I think it looks wonderful just like a prim pumpkin should look.
    I've wondered about staining or over-dyeing a finished rug, too. Hope someone has some good advise.

  3. I think the colors are wonderful!! I love it!

  4. Hi Lauren, oh so sweet, love the way it looks, wonderful pumpkin. Blessings Francine.

  5. i love it! it's beautiful! denise

  6. Lauren, I'm liking what you've done on the pumpkin so far. If you get some ideas about staining a completed rug could you share? ~Ann

  7. I really like the colors and the textures on the pumpkin.

    IF I was going to suggest any change at all it would be to make the stem a darker brown for more contrast.

  8. Lauren, right now I like the colors that are showing up. So don't even contimplate using a tea dye bath or anything until it is done; you just might like the final results. Look'n good to me.


  9. ohh you have come over to the dark side. I have been hand cutting and tearing I am working on my second piece. I use a harman hook to really open up that linen. Is is primitive linen I can't tell by the picture.I will say it takes a long time to hook a piece doing that. Like every one else I think your colors are perfect don't change a thing.

  10. I like it. There are white pumpkins and beige pumpkins and orange pumkins I'd seen other muted colors last fall. Yours kind of represents the whole family!

  11. I really like the colors you chosed and it all looks good. I hook fine so I can't help with any suggestions.

    What is the background gonna be? Anxious to find out. Hugs, JB

  12. Love how your pumpkin is looking! I don't think I'd change a thing either! It takes some getting used to hooking with the wide strips but what a great look!!
    I'm really getting in the fall mood ( for hooking that is)!

    Cathy G

  13. Love it just the way it is...keep at it!

  14. I think your doing a fine job of hooking this! I would add some more of those darker neutrals in there for some contrast. The widest I've hooked with was a 9 and I do remember my wrist hurting for weeks after that rug... lol!

  15. HI Lauren!

    Love how your pumpkin is coming along and I love the colors. I love the shape of your stem you hooked but my opinion would be if you changed it to a dirty brown/tan
    you might like it better. Just my opinion.

  16. Lauren, I love the primitive look of the wide torn wool! The differences in width add to the prim look, and the colors of the pumpkin are perfect to me. I am in agreement with the suggestions to make the stem darker. Great job!


  17. *****the reason that you are having some difficulty in pulling the wide strips through your foundation is that you are using the bleached linen. this is not as flexible/forgiving as the unbleached linen from dorr. try the unbleached and it will make a
    considerable difference.

  18. I love the look of the different widths. Can't wait to see more!

  19. For sure, if you have a little extra $$$ lying around, invest in a Hartman hook with a wide shank, my favorite is the ergo hook, it has a little flat spot for your thumb. I think your colors look nice together, you need a little variance in the color to keep it from looking like a smushed up ball :)
    My favorite part of the really wide strips is the hand-tearing....such a great stress releiver!

  20. Lauren,

    Great job, I love the look!!!


  21. Hi Lauren, I love your white punkin! I think you will enjoy the colors as they fill in and you get your background around the pumpkin. I did hook a rug years ago - only had a small amount of wool and the colors were too "pretty" for the look I wanted. I really did NOT care for the finished, took it outside with a jar of tea and a cotton rag and mushed tea all over, esp. the too light colors. Tea is a stain, not a dye, so I don't remember using anything like vinegar to "set" it. That rug is now about 15 years old and still looks good. I never did fall in love with those first collected wool colors so gave the rug to my mother - do think swabbing it with tea saved its life, tho ... smile!

  22. Hello again, Lauren. I didn't read your entire pumpkin post before I posted earlier. I see you don't plan to fill in background around your pumpkin. I love the idea of just the pumpkin shape and think your coloring is going to be lovely! And, thanks for sharing the photos of Betsy's super finishes!! I like for rugs to look old and her torn & stitched edges really do the trick. I'm sure you had a great time at the workshop! Maybe Betsy can write a book (in her spare time of!) for those of us who couldn't attend!

  23. Love your rug so far Lauren. Have a wonderful weekend.


  24. this is where I left off....You know I love your finished pumpkin - glad you darkened up the stem - like it better darker. Those torn strips would probably do a number on my wrists/hands....I have enough problems with that the way it is....and the widest I've worked with has been a 10 cut. As far as staining/distressing - that's tough. Because wool is naturally moisture resistant and repellant, it doesn't take any kind of staining or dying easily. (Trust me, I've tried......) :o Robin


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)