Wednesday, July 11, 2012

New Goodes ~

Here are a few of the goodies I picked up at the antique show on Sunday.  I was only moderately bad.  It would have been easy to be VERY BAD, but rug camp is next week so I had to have some self control.
These are the sweetest little pair of mismatched baby shoes.  The dealer thought the shoe on the left was older (perhaps 1910) than the shoe on the right, though . . .

. . . they were made by the same company.  I tried a Google search but couldn't come up with any information.  Does anyone have any information on Rosebud baby shoes?

How could I resist this little hooked piece for only $2.00?  It is about 8' X 8.75" and just silky soft.

It has been a very long time since I've found affordable sterling silver napkin rings.

Mr. Turkey's broken neck is much less obvious in person.

This is the first calligraphy piece I've ever purchased.  It is signed in two places Edward Andrews and in the boxy area it says "G E Littles Penmanship".  It is undated, but the dealer thought it could be as early as 1870 ~ but I have no idea if that is accurate.

I also bought the DSO a couple birthday gifts and purchased one other item that I'm not sure if I will keep or give as a gift.  
As always, it was a great show with so many quality dealers.  This Sunday there is another show I plan to attend.  

Pug hugs :)


  1. You found some great treasures Lauren! Love those little miss matched shoes. Sorry I don't know anything about them. Have fun at rug camp. Hugs, Lori

  2. Hello Lauren, you did great, I love the little shoes to,so sweet.Also love the turkey, I collect older turkey pieces so I would have bought it also. The hooked mat is wonderful,really great goodies. Blessings Francine.

  3. Lauren - Some great finds! Love those little shoes. Have fun at rug camp. ~Ann

  4. What adorable shoes. I always wonder what their young lives were like. You snagged some great items.

  5. Cool finds! I just love to go antiquing! So much history in one place. Have a great time at rug camp.

  6. I love your goodies! I believe I have Antique pox and have had nothing to sooth it for some time.

  7. Lauren,
    You got some sweet finds! I have a little pair of antique shoes that look like bunnies....I just get them out at Easter, but they are ADORE! Love the turkey!

  8. Hi Lauren,
    Wow did you find some great goodies! The little shoes are precious and I love anything "turkey"...but the beautiful calligraphy bird is my favorite. What a beautiful old piece...and to have survived all these years is amazing!
    Have lots of fun at camp!

  9. Morning Lauren...some great finds there and I know nothing of the Rose Bud shoes although they are precious!
    Funny nothing comes up on a search..I tried for you but nothing!
    Hope someone has information.

  10. Ilove antiques but don't go antiquing like I used to ~ don't want to be tempted.

    Love your chair pad a lot and really cute shoes. I know nothing about antique shoes but will ask Shari (remember her from ATHA class?)


  11. The little shoes are adorable, Lauren! Hope you can find some history on them. I, too, have antique pox, but it is right now "in remission" as I have run out of places to put things!

    Love the chair pad...thanks for sharing your antique finds with us.


  12. Lauren,
    Super nice finds and the Turkey piece is too cool. That little hooked piece is wonderful too! You have such a good eye! I really miss the days of being able to "antique' with my buddies or "partners in crime" as we used to call ourselves! LOL! We should have been locked up for all the money we spent! Now I know it's a disease and will never be cured! Enjoy it while you can!!!
    Cathy G
    ( will be fun to research the adorable Rose bud shoes! Wonder if it was a company on the east coast or near Ohio?)

  13. Lauren, I love the little shoes, I do hope you find some information on them, please share if you do...Happy belated birthday to your sweetie, may you share many more together. Greetings from Maine, Julie.

  14. Lauren,

    Delightful treasures!!! Love the turkey!!! OLM

  15. The shoes are so sweet! And soon you're off to camp ~ you're going to have te best time!!!

  16. Ohhhh...I'm so in love with those darlin' little shoes. (If you didn't know, I have a "shoe" thing...) And that calligraphy piece is amazing!! Some day, when you decide "less is more," lemme know and I'll come shopping at your house! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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