Friday, July 13, 2012

Decisions, Decisions ~ ~ ~

Trying to decide what to hook at the Heavens to Betsy rug camp next week is very stressful.  I first thought I would hook the antique roosters.  This is super hooker Carole's rug.  Alice was also hooking this rug and it can be seen here.

My next thought was to hook the Magdalena Menagerie with Pugs that Kathy of Briarwood Folk Art drew up especially for me.  I love the pattern and one of these days I will get the nerve to start it, but I think I want something with much less detail to hook at camp.

Which leads me to this.  What Nots, a pattern I purchase from the Woolley Fox over a year ago.  It was also the first quarter 2012 challenge done by the hookers/punchers over at an American Primitive Gathering.  The pattern is 21" x 40" and will be the largest rug I have hooked to date.

Is there any advice you seasoned rug camp hookers can give me about going to camp?  Anything I should take that I normally wouldn't think of?  Any and all suggestions would be most welcome.  It's a good thing I'm going by car because just about everything but the kitchen sink is already on my list of things to take :)

* * * * *
I snapped these pics at lunchtime.  The little bird was having such a good time drinking from my fountain.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren, all the patterns are great, good luck with your decision. You will have such a great time, probably very little hooking, 2 of my friends (Rhonda and Debbie) will be there and they are great to hang around with and of course what a great time you will have with Lisa and Sylvia. Wish I could have gone this year but hopefully next year I will be able to get away. Kaye

  2. Lauren,
    They are all great patterns! I can tell you are getting excited about the rug camp! Relax and have a good time! Can't wait to see what you will be working on!
    I've never been to a rug camp.... on my bucket list though!!
    Cathy G

  3. Have fun at camp and I'm sure you will decide on something :) Can't wait to see what you do!

  4. Lauren, I wish I could help you, but I'm the wrong person to ask. When I go to a basket retreat every year the first weekend in November, I pack WAY too many projects. The other gals laugh at me each year. The back of my van looks like a basket supply warehouse. I never know what mood I'll be in, what I feel like weaving. Their laughing usually comes to a stop when they need something that I hauled along with me! LOL. Can't wait to see what you decide to work on. ~Ann

  5. Have a blast!! Can't wait to hear about all the fun!!

  6. sounds like fun! enjoy your time at camp. denise

  7. Bring your best smile and enjoy the hook in because what ever you forgot you can buy or borrow.
    I love both of the rugs I say start the larger you will love it. I still prefer the larger rugs and I am not sure why.

  8. I love them all,Now be sure and tell us all about it when you get home,Have fun!!Cheri

  9. Well, aren't you just about the most "out and about" hooker I've ever met? Lucky you!! I've never been to a rug camp....EVER. But, for what it's worth, I vote for the "What Nots..." I love the pug pattern - but, yikes, the detail! (Are you going to hook that in wide cut or scale down to 6's and 4's???) Have a great time - whatever you decide! Love the birdie shots! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  10. Take your piggy bank as there surely will be lots and lots of wool for sale! I vote for the What Nots. It's always good to take an "ambitious" piece because you have all those experienced teachers to guide you along with the many decisions that go into a detailed rug.
    Have a wonderful time!

  11. Love the custom pug rug and I've done WHATNOTS, too. Me advice would be the rooster rug because there is not as much detail in regard to color planning. Just a suggestion! Sounds like you will have a ball and you'll know a lot of people!!

  12. Wow, no wonder you can't decide - too many great patterns at your house!
    Have fun (I know you will)

  13. All of the patterns are good ones! The rug adapted with pugs is the best! Can hardly wait to see that one hooked! I would think that taking a rug that you need help color planning would be a good rug to take to camp. Love the little chickadee getting ad rink! I bet his toes are nice and cool! :-0

  14. Well you could be like me and try to do them all. :) I have such a hard time ever choosing. :) I would love to go to a rug camp someday.
    It sounds like so much fun.

  15. Lauren- I have never been to a rug camp, but my hunch is there might be more conversation than hooking! Hooking the antique chicken pattern is on my list of rugs to hook. Whatever you decide I will be looking forward to seeing your rug and the progress you make. Enjoy and have fun. Hugs, Julie.

  16. I've never been to a rug camp but I'm sure that you'll be able to find some great advice there. Everyone seem so busy looking at everyone's rugs.

    I'm not sure what is the purpose of going to rug camp but I think it's to learn.

    I'm looking forward to reading about your experience.

    Good luck,
    Hugs, JB

  17. I enjoyed finding your blog, hope the rug camp is great fun for you! Edyth O'Neill

  18. Wonderful patterns! I will look forward to hearing about your adventures at rug camp.

  19. Wow! Tough decision. They are all great. What fun to be heading off to camp. Keep us posted on the adventures!

  20. So many wonderful choices..Take all 3 and decide there. Have a wonderful time and share lots of pic's with us that won't be there.

  21. Lauren,
    Have fun! I guess you are on your way or already there by now. I've been to the Shaker Village before and it is sooooo beautiful! Hope you take lots of pictures!

  22. Hi, Lauren,
    Love that antique rooster pattern, where did you find that? Is it copyrighted? Have fun at rug camp .....lucky you.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)