Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Purple Feet for Alice :)

I survived the estate sale!  What a relief to cross that off my to-do list.  I did okay.  Of course not as good as I had hoped, but I got rid of LOTS of stuff.  Some of the stuff I was sure would sell did not and other stuff I thought for sure would be left over is gone.  I know, one man's trash is another man's treasure.  I am in the process of boxing the leftover stuff (and there is still some good stuff!) to donate and will try to sell a few of the larger items on Craigslist.  

Let me just say I am NOT a purple person and let me also say this is  NOT the first time Alice has tried to talk me in to purple feet.  I guess I am feeling a little wild and crazy and thought I'd give it a try on Henny Penny.  I think I may like it :)

Thankfully we got some much needed rain here in northern Ohio.  Yesterday we got a real gully-washer but hopefully some of it soaked in to the soil.  Today the robins were enjoying their bath.

If you live in the mid-Ohio area, be sure to stop by Kingwood Center in Mansfield on Saturday.  Katie of Kidl' de Divey Woolens is having her annual hook-in, and even if you are not a hooker, I'm sure you will enjoy the rug show and the gardens are breathtaking.  If you're lucky you will even encounter one of the resident peacocks.  The only admission is the $5.00 per car fee to enter the facility.  Katie has graciously asked me to sell my spoon jewelry.  Wish me luck!
Thank you so much for stopping by!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Glad you got through the estate sale. I've heard the same thing from other people, the stuff they thought would never sell was the first to go.
    Love those purple feet!

  2. Hi Lauren...love the purple feet...me no like purple either ... lol But actually I think it works here too.

    Great that the sale went well...it is amazing what we think will sell and doesn't sell.

    Love the birds...great catch of them splashing and enjoying. We had the same rain. Our lake was showing bottom - totally - and now it's up and flowing. Much needed!


  3. Lauren, The clouds held every drop of rain until it got to you - we didn't get a drop!

    Glad your sale is over!

    Love the purple feet! Know that I will be with you in spirit on Saturday - I'll be thinking of you from my spot in the bleachers at Battle Creek. ~Ann

  4. I like the purple feet! I've always preferred colored shoes.

  5. The purple looks nice and good luck.

  6. Good thing I was sitting down when I read this post!! Of course, I LOVE YOUR PURPLE FEET ~ but even more, I love that you stepped out of your comfort zone!! Woo hoo! And I'll see you Saturday!

  7. Ha!!! Lovin' those purple feet!!! Kinda remind me of mine when my varicose veins are at their finest.... ;o) Glad the sale went well and it is mostly "behind" you.... Big, depressing, job. Great photos of the bathers.... Love that bird bath....Wishing you the best of luck at the show!! Wishin' I could see your inventory!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  8. i love the purple feet. isn't fun to watch the birds in the birdbath? denise

  9. glad you got through it it is so hard to sell or get rid of your mothers things.
    I love the purple feet. I too am not a purple person but sometimes you need to go out of your comfort zone.

  10. Glad the dreaded estate sale is behind you but with you'd walked away with a little more cash...sorry.

    Funny you fee about purple as I did; Barb Carroll asked me what my thoughts were about putting in my rug my first class with her. Then said I wasn't fond of the color purple. Then she told me she considered purple to be a neutral and proceeded to put some in anyway.

    Needless to say I carry purple with me to her class at all times nor do I object and even look forward to putting some in.


  11. LOVE the purple feet.... I think they work for Alice!! Reminds me of myself at the drs. office.... the feet seem to turn a lovely shade of purple whenever I'm there.... Nerves?? That's my guess.
    Glad your estate sale is over. I can imagine that was a tough job... both mentally and physically. It was a good job done, I'm sure....
    Have fun at the hook-in! Hope you sell lots!!

  12. I have been reading about colors in rug hooking. A rug is more interesting when you change colors around that you least expect.Love those feet.HUgs Cheri

  13. I really like those purple feet! Glad that you were able to get rid of a lot of things at the garage sale. I should do that, but it seems like so much work!!

    And hope you're staying cool - it's scorching around here!

  14. What a relief it is that the estate sale is over!
    Good luck this weekend!
    Be blessed,

  15. Hi Lauren, I like the purple feet! Glad you sailed through the tag sale and glad to hear it was a success. The hook-in sounds like alot of fun, good luck with selling your necklaces, I know you will do well! Greetings from hot and steamy Maine, Julie.

  16. Lauren
    Love those purple feet! I love the color purple. There is a pattern out there, I think by Sharon Smith, called Purple Rain that I would love to hook someday. Yep that Alice is a purple feet kind of gal!
    So happy your estate sale is behind you. That had to be rough. Now you can breathe a little. Stay cool, it's hot as heck here!!!


  17. Lauren, I had to laugh at the purple feet. They look so good and now Alice has brought you over to the purple side!
    Will miss seeing you and all of the girls on Sat.

  18. I think the purple feet look grrrreat!

  19. I love the purple feet. They add so much whimsy.

  20. I like the purple feet..

    good luck with your spoon sales. They should fly off the shelf.

  21. Love the purple feet! I like the unexpected! Your spoon necklaces should be a great hit!


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