Friday, June 22, 2012

The Hurrier I Go . . .

. . . the behinder I get.
Another week behind me and did I get everything crossed off my list?  I think we all know the answer to that one!  I did go hook for a couple hours last evening, but did I remember my camera?  I think we know the answer to that question, too :)  I did get a fair amount of hooking done last evening and Henny Penny is nearing completion.  It is only 15" x 21" so it has taken me much longer than it should have.  I do like the purple feet!  

I don't plant annuals in the garden, but I have an old iron wheelbarrow to fill along with crocks, old buckets, etc.  Today was the first day I bought anything to plant.  I need to buy more but I need to plant what I bought today.  {{Just a bit behind!}}
Tomorrow is the hook-in that I blogged in my previous post.  I need to finish gathering up and load the car.  All the spoon jewelry fits in a plastic shoe box, but it's trying to remember all the extras that need to be taken.  Wish me luck that I sell lots of necklaces!
I'll leave you with a couple pics of my favorite redhead.  He was so excited to get his own motorcycle vest.

Soon he won't be toothless.  Kids look so much older once they have teeth!

I really must get busy and pack up.
Happy weekend to you!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi, Lauren,
    Love how henny penny is turning out. I once heard that a certain teacher (can't remember who) said you should always have a pinch of purple. Love the feet! And what a cute young motorcycle man. Have fun at your hook in, and hope you sell lots of stuff.

  2. I like how your piece came out and the feet are fun.
    Have fun tomorrow anode good luck with your spoon sales.


  3. I know the feeling well. The hurrier I go, the behinder I get too... Your chicken rug looks great. I love that grey Chicken.

    Oh I love your reflection in the sunglasses. You're taking Jake's picture. I even enlarged the picture to get a better look. He he. Hugs, JB

  4. I love your Henny Penny rug, Lauren! Esp. nice is the background you hooked!!

    Jake gets cuter everytime you post his picture. Hope you have great sales at the hook in (and lots of fun!)


  5. Have a great time. I know you will come home spoon-less! Jake's new teeth are great. His smile is contagious.

  6. Your spoon jewelry is beautiful..I'm sure you will sellout early. I wish I could have joined you and Melissa...would have been so much fun...but this wedding is really taking a toll on me...could never be a wedding planner!! Best of luck, Lauren and have fun!

  7. Good luck with the jewelry. I was so taken with the purple feet that I bought a pair of purple/blue reptile print shoes. I finished planting a few days ago so you're not alone in being behinder. Can't believe it's the end of June already!

  8. Henny Penny is looking mighty fine! Thanks for the pictures of Jake; those new teeth are coming in fast.

  9. Hope you sell tons! Yes the purple feet look good who'd of thought.Now if you read this before you leave go stick your camera in your purse so we can see a wonderful day!~Amy

  10. Good luck at the hook-in...I know folks will love the necklaces! I think your rug is fabulous and the purple chicken feet are wonderful.

  11. OOOOOhhhh, I LOVE Henny Penny. Now I want to hurry and finish the projects which are presently underway here and pull out my Henny Penny pattern. Mine is the same size as yours.

    Jakes teeth are coming in strong and soon will have a mouth full f teeth for the smile.


  12. Lauren, I love your chicken rug! It is so fun. Kathy

  13. I love the purple feet too - a great touch of added whimsy!

  14. I love henny penny she is so cute.
    I hope your day was a productive and you make lots of money to buy more stuff.

  15. I do love those purple feet on your rug! I think that most of us don't ever get accomplished what we want to in a week. Have fun at your hook-in and I hope that you sell a lot of necklaces!!

  16. I can SOOOO relate.....I'm not planted yet either - but, unfortunately, I don't have your discipline....I've picked up a few plants here and there, and only when they are bordering on terminal do I plop them in a pot. Right now there are several in my ICU corner of the garage. And I just put my calla bulbs in yesterday....Ha! Think they'll bloom before the snow flies again? Don't think I've ever been this far behind with plantings....and motivation. Love Jake's new vest - what a man! And Henny Penny is delightful! Such a fun play with the colors. I'm SURE your necklaces were a hit.....just waiting for the news that you're sold out and will be busy for weeks with orders..... Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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