Tuesday, May 15, 2012

This 'n That ~

The Western Reserve Rug Hooking Guild held their annual hook-in last Saturday.  Chairperson was Heidi (aka Wendy) of Woolnuts.  She and her committee did a phenomenal job!  Our welcome gift was a tote bag, the food was yummy and plentiful and they had the most amazing door prizes and raffles.  I can't believe I didn't get any pictures of the table decorations that were the door prizes.  Many people spent many, many hours hooking flowers and animals that  were attached to sticks and put in vases.  They had the best raffle prizes.  They solicited donations from the vendors and hookers throughout the U.S. and Canada.  Over sixty raffle prizes in all.  The Guild is very generous so all the money made on the raffles will go to many good causes.
Because of limited space, they had a "virtual" rug show in lieu of the real thing.  
I only a few pictures.  Of course I wish I had taken more!
Here's Kay hiding behind her Wendy Miller rug that she is in the process of binding.  She is one of the most talented hookers I have ever met!

I LOVE this rug!!!  It was hooked by Betsy of Heavens to Betsy fame.  The strips are 1" wide hand torn strips.  It was heavenly to walk on!  The braided edge was pretty cool, too.

Jane's lollipop basket made with lots of quilly circles.

This Maggie Bonanomi rug was being hooked by Kathy.

Here is Betsy's booth . . .

. . . and Donna's from Crows on the Ledge.  (Alice ~ I can't believe I didn't get a pic of your booth.  So sorry!)

The hook-in was great fun and I actually pulled a few loops!  I'll share my progress soon.
* * * * *
Around the yard, the iris seem exceptionally beautiful this year!

Sunday morning Jake and I headed down to the beach in search of beach glass.  It was a pretty good haul for us.  Though it did not have sharp edges, the one cobalt piece we found did not have the very soft, rounded edges of most of the other pieces.  The longer a piece of glass has been in the water tumbling around, the smoother the edges.  Jake calls the little shells in the upper right hand corner "tornadoes".

Thanks for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren, Thanks for taking photos and sharing. I can see why you like the star rug- it's my favorite too. Hope she brings it to Sauder Village so I can see it up close and personal. ~Ann

  2. Beautiful rugs!! Can't decide which one I like the best, although the star one is great... and the huge one in the first pic is amazing!!
    I like the 'tornado' shells!! What a perfect name for them!

  3. Very beautiful rugs, looks like a fun hook in.


  4. WOW
    What beautiful rugs!!! I love that large one and using one inch strips... How neat! I didn't know you could hook rugs with strips that wide.

    LOVE the iris pictures too, so pretty and good haul with the beach glass!

    We go to Myrtle Beach frequently during the winter but never seem to find any :(

    Oh well, ,must look harder.

    Have a great day!

  5. I'm a new member of the guild. Thanks for sharing the pictures. Unfortunately the hook-in was full, but I will be at the June meeting. Will you?

  6. Such a great post of beautiful rugs, flowers and sea glass.
    I love that you shared all of these with us.
    Your gardens must be gorgeous with all these beautiful flowers.
    I have never found anything like this at the beaches here in Texas. Do I not know how to look. Makes me wonder. lol
    Hope you are doing well

  7. Thanks for such an inspiring post. The rugs are lovely! So many talented hookers!
    Your iris are indeed beautiful this year.

  8. Yes, I wish you had taken a photo, too! I didn't take one picture!!! Of all the great things we saw and such good blog material! At least you got some! I love that blue glas ~ that's a rare find! It was fun seeing everybody ~ see you in June?!

  9. Those rugs are beautiful. Very inspiring!
    I love your garden pictures.

  10. So many beautiful rugs...what talent! It must be such fun to see all those wonderful goodies gathered all in one place! Your yard looks gorgeous!

  11. Thanks for sharing pictures of these beautiful rugs! A real inspiration.

  12. So many really pretty things today Lauren! That long rug is just wonderful actually I'd love to own any of them.Wish we had some hook ins up our way so someone could be there to show me the little things.I've started watching some tutorials but really just need to take the leap.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  13. Lauren, you did well to take some rug pictures.
    I know how difficult it is to take many pictures in a big crowd of hookers. Thanks, I appreciate it.
    I love looking at as many rugs as I can.

    I love the beach glass that you found. I can't wait for the rain to stop and the level of the river to go down so I can go look for some.


  14. Oh Lauren, such beautiful rugs. And I spied the Magdalena style rug with envy. Thanks for sharing the photos.


  15. I wish I could see those rugs in person! Lovely irises, too.

  16. Thanks for the photos. Where else could we see that much fabulous work at one time! The first one and the Bonanomi are my favorites. My irises are crap this year. One bud, not opened. The middle photo is a color I'm not familiar with and so gorgeous.

  17. It really looks like a great time and I love all those rugs (and am hanging my head because all mine are sitting in the closet). Your flowers are beautiful too. Mine are just starting to show buds but should probably be opening up soon.

  18. Lauren,

    SO many wonderful rugs!!! Your flowers are wonderful!!! Love Spring! OLM

  19. Such beautiful photos!! Love the Iris!

  20. Good evening Lauren~

    It was nice visiting with you this evening. I'm playing catch up as always. Love the rugs~all so beautiful.

    Have a lovely evening~Becky

  21. Another gorgeous round of rugs Missy Lauren!! I love Kay's rug the best...Oh my heck...that beauty's HUGE! Your irises are gorgeous....I grew them for years - I hated how they needed to be "up close" to the top of the dirt and were impossible to weed - and, inevitably, even my deepest purples turned a pale, washed-up, yellow....so out they went. Love the beach glass....Pray tell, what are you and Master Jake doing with those treasures you find???? Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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