Thursday, May 17, 2012

Off & On the Frame ~

I finished my antique dog and cat rug.  (The e-pattern can be found at WoolnSails and I took it to Staples and had it enlarged.)  I just have to work on the cat's eyes a bit.  I've added it to the "hooked but need to be bound pile".  That makes rug #6.  Proof positive that I despise binding.  I did buy Kris Miller's finishing book, so maybe I will try a new technique instead of my usual binding tape method.  I really want to try the crocheted edge.  I must get busy, though and finish Auntie Peanut before the end of the month to give as a birthday gift.  That pattern can be found at Woodland Junction.   Saundra is just a sweetheart ~ and so talented.  You won't be disappointed in her offerings!

I've only made a little progress on Henny Penny.  (The shamrocks in the corners are a much more muted orange/rust.)

I've decided I better put her aside for a while and hook up a couple small mats.  I started hooking the horse in an 8 cut since the legs and tail are quite skinny.  I haven't hooked with an 8 for some time and I feel like I am hooking with thin spaghetti!  I am switching to at least an 8.5 as soon as I finish the last leg.

I am approaching a couple blogging milestones ~ post #500 and my 3 year anniversary.  For someone who really thought she had nothing to say, I've managed to do a lot of blathering.  Thank you so much for stopping by, reading what I have to say and leaving such sweet comments.  I have met some of the most wonderful people, some only through blogging and emails and some in person.  It is appreciated more than you will ever know.  In honor of all my blogging friends, I will be having a couple give-aways in the near future.

Pug hugs :)


  1. Oh, dear Lauren....that pile of "finished, but not quite-finished's" makes me envious.....I am not close on even finishing in any sense anything. I so wish you lived down the lane - I would convince you that binding is the best part of hooking. I would like to do a step-by-step on my blog about my friend, Cathy's, technique, but I am so far away from a "finish" on my Welcome Cats (and have not stash of unbounds) that you might be buried with your unbounds before I get there. Hey - maybe you should send me one of yours and I'll bind it and photograph the steps and send it back all finished....Ok....never mind. has been my great pleasure and honor to have stumbled upon you in my blog journey - and I hope some day to be able to say I've done it for 3 years and 500 Congratulations! Smiles & Friday Hugs ~ Robin

  2. Hi Lauren, what a fun pile of rugs!to bind! They are wonderful! Rug hugs, Kathy

  3. Wish we lived close to each other Lauren - I actually enjoy finishing the edge of rugs and would love to do yours for you! Darn! They sure do look nice! I've only hooked one rug with an 8.5 and I really liked it - need to do that again!

  4. A beautiful pile of rugs! I've only hooked in 8 cut, but want to try 9 as there is a substantial difference in the two. It would be nice to get something done quick! :-)

  5. Lauren, I do believe that you and I are kindred souls. I have all sorts of projects that are sitting and waiting for the last little finishing. Why do we do this? Congratulations on your approaching blogiversary - I'm glad to have gotten to know you through our blogs and hope this year rug hooking will bring us together somewhere in our great State. ~Ann

  6. love your pile of rugs. wish i knew how to hook. that's my goal for this year to learn. denise

  7. That's a nice looking pile of rugs, Lauren!! Did you use the greens you showed me last week on the funny designs or did you pick something else? They look good whatever they are!

  8. Lauren that is quite a pile of lovelies. I too hate to bind and have 3 rugs in need of binding. congrats on your 3 years and 500 posts. I count myself in the lucky group of blogging friends. Love your current project.

  9. Love what you haven't finished... binding does suck doesn't it!.

    I enjoy your blog and try and stop by every day to see what is new. Love that you share pictures.

    Thanks and keep up the blogging.

  10. All just wonderful.I for one enjoy your blathering so glad you stuck through it for 3 Blessings!~Amy

  11. Lauren, Everything looks so wonderful. I feel like such a slacker when I see how much you all get done. Keep up the good work,Cheri

  12. Congratulations on #500 post and 3 years in blogging. I think that it was your blog that made me take the plunge into rug hooking! Should I hug you or smack you! LOL

    I love your pile of rugs - they're all wonderful - love that one with the flower in the upper left.

  13. Woo Whoo!! to 3 years!! Love all your rugs!! Can't wait to see the new ones finished!!

  14. Hi Lauren~

    Love your piles of rugs!!

    Have a wonderful day~Becky

  15. You HAVE been busy, Lauren! Love your "to be bound" stack of rugs...I'm jealous.

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful rugs.

  16. Hi, Lauren,
    I just love your antique cat and dog rug, I might have to order that pattern :)

  17. oh my gosh! i need to sit and get caught up on your blog! love rugs, stitcherys and of course sam is so handsome! enjoy your evening lauren!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)