Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Procrastinator ~

v. pro·cras·ti·nat·ed, pro·cras·ti·nat·ing, pro·cras·ti·nates


To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.


To postpone or delay needlessly.

pro·crasti·nator n.

If you looked up the word procrastinator in the dictionary, you just might find my picture.  Agh!  This was the year I was going to get my taxes done early.  I'm talking February early.  Oh, the road to hell is paved with good intentions!  I started them in February, worked on them one day and then quit.  Now mind you, my taxes are very basic.  Just yesterday I got back to them.  They probably didn't take me an hour to finish.  I just hate when I do that.  I remembered to sign my returns (I actually forgot to do that one year), took them to work to make copies and even got one sealed in the envelope when the little light bulb went off.  Duh!  The IRS would frown upon a return without the W-2 attached.  Some days I really wonder where I left my mind.  Perhaps I can blame menopause???
* * *
Here's my brother Bill with Jake on Easter Sunday.  If you look really closely, you can see Jake is finally getting a front tooth!  He got his cast off yesterday and initially the orthopedic doctor said the elbow was not aligned properly and there was the possibility that Jake would need surgery.  Thankfully today's scan showed that all is well, but since the elbow is still healing, no soccer for three weeks.

I stopped back at hooker friend Jane's pre-sale and picked up a few more goodies.
Halloween . . .

Chocolate molds ~ one more and it's an official collection . . .

A miniature face jug . . .

And a few other goodies not pictured.

Friday hooker Melissa and I are headed to West Virginia (we are leaving at 4:30 am - ugh!) for a 3 day retreat with Susan Feller of Ruckman Mill Farm.  I am looking forward to it but dreading getting ready to go ~ maybe because I'm procrastinating and will wait until the last minute to get my act together.

Thanks for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. What wonderful pumpkins and collectibles. I hope you have a fun time at the retreat, sounds like fun.


  2. Wow...you did good! Love all your goodies, and hope you have a fun, fun time on your retreat. West Virginia...almost Heaven!

  3. Oh Lauren, you will have a great time at the retreat. I just came back from a Fiber Art Retreat and it was exactly what the Dr. ordered.

    I had to laugh at your description of procrastinator. If it makes you feel better, I procrastinate too on a lots of things. I get my husband to do my income tax as we do a joint income tax.

    Jake resemble your brother.

    Have a safe trip and enjoy. Hugs. JB

  4. Procrastinating is normal isn't it? LOL! Have a great time hooking!

  5. You and I will be in that photo together! That's something I would like to conquer before I leave this planet! Love the pumpkins and I know you'll have great fun in your class. I bought her box of templates last year ~ have I used them yet? Can't wait to see what you create!

  6. Oh I understand the tax thing. we just finished ours Sunday. Not mailed yet. today is the day.
    ours is not that easy this year retirement insurance etc.
    I love your new things all are great. have a great time!

  7. Have fun with Susan Feller Lauren. I think you'll enjoy her! I procrastinate too, and always seem to work better under pressure, but still get so mad at myself for it!

  8. I know all too well about this procrastination tendency. Later...one of my favorite words.

  9. Lauren, Have fun on your hooking retreat! Can't wait to see what you work on over the weekend. ~Ann

  10. Well.... I am right with you on procrastination. I did do my taxes but everything else I am putting off! Lol

    Happy hooking! Elaine

    Ps love your pumpkins!

  11. Have a wonderful time at the retreat.
    Jake is so cute!
    Your Halloween goodies are so nice.

  12. Lauren, OH MY!!! that wonderful Halloween...can you hear my heart??/skip skip skip!!! OLM

  13. lauren, so glad jakes arm is healing well. hes a cutie. and its nice you have your brother around! i love your halloween goodies and your new collection started! also love the jug. enjoy your day!

  14. I think that photo might be a photo of twins. ;o) But I really resent the reference to carelessness and laziness! HRRRRMMMFFF! I prefer to think of it as analytical preplanning and forethought. I gotta run cuz I'm turning green and squiggly over your Halloween goodies and chocolate molds. ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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