Sunday, April 15, 2012

Almost Heaven ~

~ but cell phone hell!

This weekend was the 3 day retreat with Susan Feller of Ruckman Mill Farm.  It was held at the Peterkin Conference Center, nestled on 1400 acres in a valley outside of Romney, West Virginia.  When you are used to being "connected", it is hard to be without cell phone service and an Internet connection!  Cell phone reception was spotty at best.  We were told that on the front porch near the birdhouse or on the second floor in the men's room were the best chance to be able to make a call.  Thankfully since no men were present, the men's room was a ladies' room.  I don't normally make it a practice hanging out in a men's room :)  It really was quite comical everyone trying to make calls.  There was a problem with the WiFi, so no Internet either.  So to say I am behind on my blog reading is an understatement!
The setting was beautiful. Living in northern Ohio (which is very flat), it is always a treat to see the hills and mountains. A number of us took a 45 minute walk to the waterfall. The trail leading there was beautiful and the forest floor was coming alive.

I have lots of rugs to share with you so please stop back!
Pug hugs :)


  1. The forest is beginning to come alive, hurrah for spring! Looking forward to seeing future photos of the hookin. Greetings, Julie.

  2. What a beautiful place to have a retreat. Even though you were without some of our modern necessities I know you enjoyed your time there.
    Can't wait to see what you worked on

  3. That walk looks wonderful. It is almost time to do that here. But Lauren......hanging out in the men's room......hehehe :)

  4. Lauren,
    Gorgeous photos of spectacular scenery! Can't wait to see some of the rugs and hear your experiences!!
    Cathy G

  5. Welcome back, no Internet though? Yikes!!!! Can't wait to see more.

  6. It does look like a slice of heaven... that's for certain!

  7. What a lovely place. We don't get cell phone reception here either but internet is fine.
    glad you had a good time.

  8. Well Lauren, a retreat is a retreat after all. Hanging in the boy's room, to make calls , that is so funny... lol...

    I think that you could really get in touch with nature out there. You took some beautiful pictures.

    Looking forward to seeing your next post.

  9. beautiful photos my friend! the fiddleheads are mighty tasty this time of year..the dandylion puffer is perfect! and I can't wait to see your pictures-to-come...

    I wouldn't be able to breath without my wifi...don't know how you managed!
    Blessed be!

  10. What beautiful photos...your getaway must have been just wonderful.
    Now you are talking to someone who could care less about cell phones...I have one but it is only on if I'm off someplace by myself or if Doug is gone over night then I turn it on because we have digital phone service and if the cable goes does our land line.
    I'm not a phone person or a texter ... but I can imagine how frustrating it would be if you couldn't use it.


  11. oh my goodness! i need a walk to refresh! its so chilly here today i have the heat cranked up :( thanx for sharing such wonderful spring pictures! i cant wait to see pictures of the rugs and such!
    enjoy your day lauren! and oh my goodness i wouldnt last much longer than 3 days without my phone.....

  12. Hi Lauren,
    I know you had fun but you missed a great show at Gathered Treasures.
    I got to see Alice, Rhonda and Julie but missed seeing you there.
    It was my first big outting since forever.

  13. Looking forward to see all your photos!

  14. URGHHH no connectivity - that would be tough but I'm sure you had a great time and you lived to tell about it LOL - can't wait to see what you were up to. Hope you have a great week! melody

  15. Beautiful photos of the natural habitat of the area and am sure you enjoyed it. Also looking forward to seeing those lot'sa rug photos you have to share.

    p.s. You three gals look so relaxed that I just realized I took a comforting deep sigh myself. It IS so good to get away..... but nice to see the driveway again after all that fun.


  16. You lucky, lucky, thang you....1400 acres??? Of that? Oh my heck! HEAVEN! Love, love, the fiddleheads and trilliums....I grew up roaming the "woods" and miss it with every breath I take. But....hmmmmm....hookers on the porch and hookers making calls in the men's room. Is the porch light red there? ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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