Friday, April 6, 2012

More Rugs ~

Today was the start of my three day weekend.  I was going to accomplish miracles, but that didn't happen.  Why am I not surprised?  Tomorrow will be busy ~ I get to take my favorite redhead to an Easter egg hunt in the morning and then to Eggland in the afternoon.  Luckily I'm not cooking on Easter Sunday and don't even have to bring anything.
* * * * *
Here are a few more rugs from the rug show at Punderson.  I have more pictures but the colors are just too poor to post.  Stop by Andrea's blog to see more ~ and her pics are so much better than mine :)  

This rug is breathtaking!  So much detail!  Exquisite hooking.

Cindi Gay

Remind me to NEVER wear plaid britches!

Progress has been made on Auntie Peanut.  I've never hooked a face before so I've been a bit leery to even try this one but I must very soon!  The background hooked lighter than I thought it would, but I will learn to love it (and if I don't tell the recipient she will never know I had planned on something a little different).

Here's Annie just a few minutes ago sprawled out on the hooking room couch.  If she's not in the same room with me, she's generally doing something she shouldn't be doing!  Furbabies can be so much like little kids :)

Hugs and Happy Easter :)


  1. Great rugs Lauren. I love to see Cindi Gay's work. Annie is so cute! Have a blessed Easter!


  2. Have fun with that super cute Jake.
    the rugs are great the pants do not have to be plaid to look like that on me ugh.

  3. Have fun on the hunt! Annie just love her can't believe no one adopted her yet.The Auntie rug looks good can't wait to see the face..Fingers crossed for you but I'm sure you'll do fine.Happy Easter!~Amy

  4. Wow....those are some amazing rugs....That second one dumbfounds me (no wise comments on how that doesn't take much, k?) The trees are just incredible! Love the Annie shots....I don't believe that she's the mischief-maker you make her out to be....Just look at that FACE!! ;o) Wishing you and yours a blessed and beautiful Easter! Have fun on the hunt! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  5. Awww...cute pics of Annie. I loved all your rug photos and had a laugh about your "plaid britches" comment.

  6. Always enjoy seeing rugs from the shows, so much diversity. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter.


  7. Thanks for sharing all the pics of the rugs - so fun to see different patterns hooked in different ways.

    i can't even image furbabies getting into trouble - that never happens around here (Hahahaha)

    Have a wonderful day with your favorite redhead and Happy Easter to you! Way to go on 'no cookin' too!

  8. Have a wonderful Easter Lauren. Love those pics of Annie.


  9. Lauren,
    Sounds like you and your little red head will be having a ball on Easter!
    Such cute shots of Annie! She's a real sweetie!
    I always wondered why I never liked plaid pants.... Now I know why!! LOL!
    Lovely rugs and thank-you for posting them!
    A Blessed and Happy Easter to you Lauren!!
    CAthy G

  10. I love the rug show and Annie's pictures.
    How nice that you and Jake will be going on an Easter egg hunt together. Lucky you, you get to play with the red head.

    Happy Easter. Hugs. JB

  11. Hi Lauren,
    Thanks for sharing all these wonderful rugs. I had a class with Cindi Gay years ago, and got to see her home town rug up is unbelievable! Love your Annie!
    Have a Happy Easter!

  12. Thanks for the rug show! Great rugs. Your Auntie rug is coming along very nicely. Have a super egg hunt with that wonderful boy of yours.
    Happy Easter!

  13. You are zipping right through that Annie rug.....WOW!

  14. Hi,Lauren:
    All of the rugs from the show are beautiful but my jaw dropped when I saw the detail in Pemberville.
    I love seeing Annie, she's darling. Thank you for all the helpful info in the emails about the hooks and about the book.

  15. love the rugs and yours is coming along nicely. im anxious to see the face! annie is so cute! she looks like shed like to sneak off and get into something! enjoy the rest of your easter weekend.

  16. Happy Easter, Lauren! Thank you for sharing so many great rug seeing them.

    The pix from your last post are wonderful, esp. the bunnies...they are adorable!!

  17. I have been very remiss in looking at everyone's blog. First was busy Easter Sunday at my son's and with my grandson, then yesterday and then had an order for a rug kit which I didn't have prepared so had the drawing and cutting of wool to do. Then take to post office and today to sit while the oil got changed in my car.

    Love the rug show you provided for us.


  18. OMG, I completely forgot to mention what a great job you are doing on Auntie Peanut. Guess I'm going in too many direction and can't keep clear thought process.



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