Friday, February 10, 2012

Just Friday ~

Welcome, dear friends!  Another week has come and gone.  Time is a flyin'!
Our mild weather may come to a screeching halt tonight.  Up to 8" of snow is predicted for today and tomorrow, but by mid-week I believe it will be back in the 40's.  Only 39 days until spring :)

* * *
Last evening Jake and I went to the library to make play-doh.  Here he is doing his Annie impression.

Poor Annie!

The end result was quite good.

It's been a while since I've posted pictures of Sam, work cat and resident mouser.  I think he just may be Quentin's long lost big brother. 

Here's a pic of Quentin I stole borrowed from Joanne's blog.  I know hope she won't mind.

A neat desk won't be found in my office.

Thanks for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. OMG!!! LOL!!!
    The Annie Impression has me laughing so hard I almost...well, it's good the bathroom is close by!
    Jake is an absolute hoot!
    Love the pictures of Sam. Yes, he and Quentin both have that lovely silvery-gray fur. Isn't it amazing how cats seem to find the most attention getting places to lay their bodies?

  2. Jake is one handsome fellow!
    Enjoy the your weekend,

  3. Jake does a great Annie impression.The play doh looks like it turned out good.I've been meaning to do it with the girls and my Aunt wants the recipe for her special needs people she watches at night.It's been snowing here about a hour.We are supposed to get about 4 inches.Hugs!~Amy

  4. I literally LOL when I saw Jake's impression of Annie!! So cute!!

    Looks like a good time making play-doh.... and it came out great. You certainly do spend some fun times with him -- making great memories!!

    We, too, should have some snow by tomorrow a.m. Not much accumulation is predicted -- maybe 2 inches here. We are so spoiled with the mild temps that I find it hard to believe it will be cold enough for snow!!!

    Have a great weekend.....

  5. Looks like jake was having a grand time.
    It must be nice to have a work cat. the cat looks pretty comfortable.
    We are due for just a dusting of snow but super cold on Sunday below zero wind chill all day. and it is fishing derby weekend here. I would not go out on that ice for anything we have not been cold enough.
    then we are back to warm temps on Tue. I am loving this winter.

  6. Cute post Lauren. I loved the photos.
    We have a mouser, too. It's Biggie,
    he's on the blog sidebar. The other one just allows us to live here
    and sleeps all day.

  7. That Sam is one handsome fellow! However, the highlight of this post, for me, was Jake's Annie impression. Hysterical!

  8. OMG That Jake has that Annie impression nailed. Those pics are hysterical. You need to get a small double frame and put those both in it.
    Jake cracks me up.

  9. What a great personality that lad Jake has! I love his Annie impression--it's perfect! He must be such fun to hang around with! The playdo brings back such good memories of when my boys were young. I used to make it all the time.

  10. Oh my - I'm with Pat - I was laughing so hard at Jake's "Annie" impression - he is quite the character and must keep you in stitches! Hmmm Quentin came from Maryland - how far is that from you - long enough for Sam to get out and have a good time one night? They do look alike! Years ago we had an office cat and like Sam you never know where you would find her sleeping! Too cute!

  11. The Annie impression was priceless. The boys looked like they had a grand time making the play dough.Cute cute cat pictures.


  12. I think your grandson has been around Annie way too Adorable.
    How fun for grandma to take them for fun at the Library...looks like they enjoyed themselves a lot.

  13. Great impersonation! Looks like Jake had a good time. : )

  14. I love Jake's Annie Impression! It is perfect. LOL Making play-doh has always been one of my kids favorite things to me a hour or more of entertainment for them! Elaine

  15. Oh the memories that came back with the home made play doh! Have a good rug hooking week! Lee

  16. Jake looks like such a fun little boy, he has his Annie impression spot on! Oh, I have such fond days of making play dough with my preschoolers, kids and crafts just go together. Thank you Lauren for your kind comment regarding my kitty Emma Lou, blogging friends are the best. Blessings, Julie.

  17. Oh my heck!! Jake has Annie down pat! LOVE it!!! And your Sam is adorable!!! I've always had a soft spot in my heart for gray cats...My Trouble Baby was a gray Siamese mix with a wonderfully fluffy tail. Glad Sam earns his keep - looks like he deserves a rest.... ;o) Robin


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