Sunday, November 20, 2011

Hooking Troubles ~

Recently, I've had great difficulty hooking.  I normally hook sitting on the end of the couch with the Ott light to my left.  Annie has decided that she is going to sit to my left and there is no stopping her!  Today she was chewing on her toy, shaking it as dogs do and pushing up against my leg.  Other times she insists on putting her head on my lap while I am trying to hook!  Oh, what we put up with for our furbabies.

I hope your week gets off to a good start.  As I've said before and I'll say again, I just can't believe Thanksgiving is here.  Shouldn't it just be Labor Day?
Pug hugs :)


  1. Poor little Annie. She is jealous of the hooking frame.

  2. Dear sweet Annie, she can't help but be momma's girl. I can't believe Thanksgiving is here too, my grandmother always said the older you become the faster time goes. I am finding this to be true! Blessings, Julie.

  3. Good grief Lauren..... I almost forgot about Thanks giving with all this Christmas crafting going on! It's time for me to reverse hook a little and get my Holidays in the proper order!! LOL!
    Love little Annies antics vying for attention! How can we not spoil the little darlings?! :)
    Cathy G

  4. It's not just dogs! Mr. Shadow Cat is WAY too much help. I was cutting wool yesterday for a throw and he kept jumping up on my cutting mat. I had to drop the rotary cutter, find something else to do to distract him and then run back quick and cut a couple squares before he caught on to what I was doing! What would we do without them? Happy Thanksgiving. ~Ann

  5. Labor Day? I vote for the Fourth of July....Sigh. Big sigh.... Somehow, I'm stuck chasing my tale these days....Annie is such a cutie....but her toy looks an awful lot like a kitty cat....tell me it isn't so.... ;o) Have a wonderful holiday week (as long as it is going to be here whether we're ready or not...) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  6. Looks like you have quite the helper! I'm with you I can't believe it's Thanksgiving time either!

  7. Gotta love doggies! They do demand their loving!! I'm not ready for the holidays at all...though I do have a turkey in the fridge!

  8. How sweet! Everyone needs attention :). I have to laugh though, at first glance before reading the picture, I thought she had a furry chest! I thought now that's the first time I ever saw that lol.

  9. Annie looks so cute playing with her toy. Think she's telling you to play with her just like kids do when they throw their bottle and have the parent retrieve it. At least you've a smallish one wanting attention; I've got a 107 pounder.

    Thanksgiving..... can't believe it either.

  10. Sweet Annie! <3

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving, Lauren!

  11. Annie looks like she could use some hooking lessons perhaps. She's trying to tell you that she wants to help.

    She so cute, no wonder you can't hook. You are such a cuddly warm momma to snuggle on. Happy Thanksgiving on the 24th.
    Isn't it amazing how time flies. Almost only a month before Christmas. My head is spinning. I don't have anything bought or decorated for Christmas yet.


  12. Hi Lauren..... First wishing a Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.... Annie is so cute! I just love fur babies... I hope you get comfortable with Annie sitting on your left while your hooking...

  13. Hahaha, oh what we do for our furkids!!

    Happy Turkey day!
    Karen & the Hound


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