Friday, November 18, 2011

Furry {and not so furry} Friends ~

I can't believe another Friday has rolled in.  How is it possible that next week is Thanksgiving?  At least Thanksgiving is early this year so we will have a few more days to prepare for the Christmas season.
Last night I visited with my Eema.  I am so sad to report that the tumor continues to grow. I had a very nice visit ~ not sure if it was my last :(  I know Dolly and I will remain friends.  I am so thankful that she became Eema's forever mom.
Here are a couple pictures of Eema from her healthier days.  I will not say happier because she is still as sweet and as happy as ever.  If you didn't see the tumor, you would have no idea that she has cancer.  This picture is from when she first came in to my life ~ before I fattened her up . . . lol!

And here she is ten months later.  She is the foster I had the longest (11 1/2 months) and she will always hold a very special place in my heart.  

Here is Sam, our work cat, mouser in residence.  He is so spoiled that when we get to work in the morning, he cries and carries on until he gets his morning lunchmeat!

My orange pumpkin did not make it to Halloween, but I thought just maybe the white one was going to make it to Thanksgiving.  I guess it wasn't meant to be . . . sigh!

Jake had $2.00 that was burning a hole in his pocket.  Now unless you are at the dollar store, what toy can be found for that amount of cash?  Luckily part of Grandma's job is to spoil the grand!  {He picked out the picture he wanted posted on the blog . . . lol!}

Thank you so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Oh Lauren - so sorry to hear that Eema's tumor continues to go - although I guess it shouldn't come as a shock. Hope she continues to be comfortable - and know she will be as happy as she possibly can be with her forever mom. Sam is a gorgeous kitty...Lunchmeat, hey? Too funny about the pumpkins (I mean - really, it is kind of funny - and at least those little squirrels had an awesome feast!) Love the photo of Jake - SOOOO intense! Looks like legos!! One of my son's FAVORITES things at that age...I so miss them...(And I spy some mighty lovely turkeys in the background!) Wishing you a wonderful weekend....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  2. Hi Lauren - before I forget I love the look on Jakes face - he's concentrating so hard...adorable. I imagine he knew Grandma would help out if he was short on $$.

    Goodness Emma is so sweet - bless her little heart.


  3. Love the picture of Jake, my kids loved Legos. Have a great weekend!

  4. Hi there, I just love your blog. I have added it to my blog list. I can't remember if I have commented here or left my new blog address. :)It is the 'chemo' brain that cause that. :) Here it is if you'd like to stop by
    I love all your furry and not so furry friends. We love all critter here at our house. Sorry to hear about Eema. I too hope she will be happy and comfortable. Sweet little doggie :) Take care, Janet W

  5. Your dog is cute. I wish she is mine.Nice photos!

  6. Jake looks very involved in his new toy/project..Eema had a good remainder of her life thanks to you and Dolly,that's all a dog wants is love and comfort.I've had the squirrels eat my indian corn of the porch but never pumpkins.Feel good knowing they got their feast a great weekend!~Amy

  7. Lauren,
    I'm so sad to hear that Eema isn't doing well physically. What a little trooper to still be happy and loving through her illness. She's a wonderful little girl!
    That Sam looks so full of himself!!! Love that silvery gray fur! Cats can be very demanding. If humans don't know the routine, a cat can always step in and tell them what needs to be done!
    Love the picture of the little rocket scientist at work!!!

  8. Love that pic of jack! So funny and so serious! Poor Eema - but you and Dolly have gave her the best life! Now Sam - he's not spoiled at all! Wonder if that's what Quentin is going to look like when he gets bigger?

  9. Wow, that squirrel really did a number on the white pumpkin. I home Eema continues to be a happy little dog even while she is going through everything she is. Blessings, Tammy

  10. Beautiful pictures of sweet Eema...

  11. So sorry about Eema... I hope she continues to be a happy puppy in spite of her illness. Our dog had cancer, but was pain-free and happy during his treatments. In the end the tumors returned and there wasn't much more we could do. Pet owners, I guess, just find some comfort in knowing that we gave our pets the best life we possibly could....

    Your grandson is soooo cute!! He is so intently working on his project!

    Those darn squirrels have made a mess of my fall decorating as well!! They ought to be good and fat by now.... they went through about 3 pumpkins already.... There's a couple more out there, but they will get thrown into the woods on Friday, and the squirrels can have a good old time for themselves somewhere other than on my front porch!

    Same is a cute one.... and funny how he likes his lunch meat!!

    Have a pleasant evening and a great Sunday!

  12. Oh, a boy after my own heart...a Lego lover!! We couldn't get enough of them at our house!

    I'm so sorry about Eema. She still seems so happy though. That's the beauty of dogs...even if they are ailing, they know what's important and they live in those moments. Thank God she has a wonderful forever Mom and a wonderful foster "Aunt" who will love her till the end. Bless her heart!

  13. Hi Lauren~

    Love the look on Jake's face!! Funny how $$ always seems to be burning a hole in a child's pocket.

    Sorry to hear the news about Eema. She is lucky to have found you & Dolly.


  14. I am so sorry to hear the sad news about Eema. How lucky she is to have Dolly as her forever mom, making sure she is well cared for and especially loved. A very handsome red headed grandson you have! Sending blessings from Maine, Julie.

  15. Lauren, for some reason, I can't e-mail you through blogger, but wanted to make sure you got a chance to see this super cute pug rug

    Hope the link works for you,

  16. So sorry to hear about Eema! It is so wonderful that she has found you and her forever home. I love your squirrel friend! Lol! He looks very ready for winter to come.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)